Tuesday, March 21, 2017

All In Good Time

I had 1 million things to do today or at least seem like 1 million things to do. I had my Assist, Inc. meeting as usual for Tuesday plus was contacted the other day but Barbara Toomer actually by Dick Lodemill. There seems was a demonstration this afternoon over at Housing Authority regarding one of the many issues thatTrump is putting forward. This was not something high up on my would like to do list but I felt somewhat obligated from my old DR A C days. Then there is the issue of trying to get the van taken off Diane's insurance put wholly into mine, as per the divorce decree. Then there is the matter of the week under the van. Taking care of the leak is either contacting my cousin, Scott or the boys down at Larry Miller's . That was the whole thing of insurance switching over tthis is all going to drive me crazy.

I like Dick Lodemill, Dick is an old friend of mine or at least an acquaintance of some 20 some years ago maybe even 30. He was a “volunteer” organizer working with DRAC. Dick was always trying to get me involved in the organization which I did become involved to a minor degree since a kind how served my job purpose of the time. I have nothing against DRAC is just I think they were somewhat misdirected or guided. I often felt the organization was manipulated by folks who had less than DRAC's own good. Sadly I don't think DRAC ever really realized how much they'd been used over the years. I was worried that I had lost significant credibility by aligning myself in my office with these guys. Still may have a righteous point and I think it's very important that this point be made again. DRAC is one of the few direct confrontation organizations in Salt Lake/Utah. I think this makes them important, enough to the point that I'm still willing to support them in their overall agenda. I have no longer an excuse not to since I am retired I just need to get back into the mode. It's hard. Especially without personal transportation. If I have other things I feel more important I will blow them off quickly. He saw my list of things I need to get the balancing and failed to mention was the power chair I'm using – my backup chair. I don't know if it's old technology for old batteries for the fact that I weigh as much as I do but I'm very cautious on where I go because I don't trust batteries will get me there and back. I almost turned back from my trip to Assist, Inc.bbut I went and made it back. I've come to the conclusion that this chair I can do only one major project aday.inasmuch as I am thankful for this chair, and it's going to help me get the other chair repaired this chair is dog . I'm at risk of falling out my feet get trapped in the foot pedals and overall is not a great experience. I can get by in the chair but I'm not very effective in the chair.

I'm going to get the other items on my to do list accomplished but it's going to be slow and still take a while. by will get it done in their own time.

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