Friday, March 31, 2017

Buyer Interpretation

Last night in a long conversation with my former wife,, Dianne,, she was really supportive and me getting my next laptop or computer. The computer I currently use of courses getting old. It basically works but I'm really happy to take major efforts to have it accomplishes tasks properly causing some angst, frustration and overall annoyance. Case in point the Port which receives the USB for the printer hhas somehow become enlarged to the point that in order for the printer to operate you have to jiggle the USB the plug aligns just right.. For one reason or another microphone system no longer works for seems to work and since I use voice to text software a great deal this is very frustrating. I spent a great deal of my time having to delete and either read dictate or physically type the words into the document.. Type in as to the frustration because two or three of the keys intermittently refuse to work. I have USB ports that have to be treated special in order for the hardware connected to be recognized by my computer.. Now the computer has begun to shut itself off intermittently so I'm having the same my work every10 to 155 minutes. I guess I could be mature and “overlook one or two of these issues but taken in their entirety I think I need a new computer.

But as we talked and DD encouraged I kept whining about not wanting to go through the effort because I always get screwed one where the other. Either the system is what I really wanted, not the power I didn't really understand what I needed or I find the system exactly the same but much filling me with buyers remorse which I hate. But as she says I have the means to do it right now, and I should do it right now,, because we don't know what tomorrow brings in this tipsy topsy world we live. I would love to be filled with excitement and joy at the prospect of hunting for the right system alas I am filled with dread. Perhaps I need to step back and look at this “opportunity” as a way to grow and take charge of what I need to fully enjoy each day of my life as opposed to waiting for a “right time”.

I can do this I can roll out my backdoor open go through the gate wait for the bus to take me to the train station and go over to Best Buy pickup my new system. Another option is to strong-arm my son, Mark Anthony, to drive me to Best Buy or some computer shop and help me find the best system for my need. Mark Anthony has become quite expert at computer systems and supports. I am quite fortunate. Is always the other option of purchasing the system online, but that's really terrifying, that you give me a buyer's remorse heart attack. Not only can you NOT touch or feel the item you're going to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars for you have to accept it once it gets left on your doorstep from either US post or the big brown truck. Oh! There's the whole issue of transferring what was on the old system to the new system and I know there's software tricks and apps one can purchase to do this but one must have more confidence than I have this point in time. I want to do this I really do I just got a start looking around my apartment to see what confidence I can find.

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