Monday, May 22, 2017

Lucky Dime Lucky Me

I'm feeling pretty good about myself today. I finished my first draft of my first summer writing project. I'm not kidding myself I have a long way to go for even close to finished product but I got it out almost 4000 words which is pretty good for me. 4000 words which I plan to save in 14 as opposed to 12 and then double space for give me about at eight page document. I'd like to say it's a short story but it really is not a short story it's a first chapter of the possible book that I have been promising myself to write for perhaps 50 years. The story is the account of my spinal cord injury over 50 years ago this July. I've taken stabs at writing the account before but I've never gotten this far. Have an opening a middle and an end. I'm not that comfortable with the end of the short story but at least I have something with which to the work. I'm going to let the piece set for a day then I will begin editing. I don't plan to have a polished piece by 1 June when were supposed to meet but I will have something.

Historically I hate to edit. I get all confused and messed up. Actually, I've never really edited with the word processor. Editing hard copy has really been challenging for me over the years solving interested to see how wordprocessor editing goes. I think the speech to text space really may have made the difference in getting the document out the first place. The machine writes nearly as fast as I can dictate. I get the thoughts out without having to wrestle my hands to the keyboard and hammer out the words. I think ,I speak and bam , there they are.

What are the highlights of the place where I left this out across the street is a coffee shop. It's not a trendy shop or even classy but a small hole in the wall, burlap bags of coffee waiting to be roasted pile all around the room with mixed matched furniture with a flatscreen always on to some news channel in the great order of roast coffee. It's not like I go over there every day in fact they are closed the one really only day I would go over what to be Sunday morning. However I do go over to get my coffee. I usually order anywhere from one half to a full pound of Italian roast. Used to get it whole beans but now I have them grind the beans. I still have my coffee mill in case I really have a hankering to grind something up but now I just like coffee in the morning. I also got coffee Saturday but figured I could make it through to Monday but today I went over and got half a pound to last me a week and a half maybe two. The coffee cost me five bucks and I was happy with that. I paid and started to leave but was called back by one of the young baristas. He indicated he had something for me and brought over a dime. He settles in 1963 silver dime for the last made. He said I should hold onto it that is worth money, maybe two dollars maybe three. He said I used it to pay for my coffee last month and he noticed after I left it was a silver dime and you want to give it back the next time I was in which was today. I was blown away and appreciative. Now I have to find a place to keep the dime so I don't lose it or spend it.

It's a good day. I finished the first leg of the project and got myself a lucky dime.

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