Monday, May 01, 2017

More Thoughts On Audio Books

I can't say I'm brokenhearted I cannot say that anything care really but there is part of me in the way back far part of my mind and just wants to kick my butt around the block. This is for nothing really big it's just something I continue to do which I really feel is totally self-defeating.

Today started out as a beautiful day and it ended as a beautiful day as far as I'm concerned. I didn't have anything scheduled to speak of. I'd call my friend Frank who I used to work with at the state, who I also think has recently left his career at the state as well and were having lunch tomorrow which I think great. We've been talking about this for a couple weeks now but today we decided tomorrow is the day and since Dave my friend and Assist, Inc. let me know that we will not be having a meeting tomorrow even better I have the day like today. Over the weekend or late last week I got a copy of Blade Runner on a talking book cost me five bucks. I finished last night. Blade Runner was a good listen/read. So with that in mind I thought why not head back to the library and pick up Stephen King's Dr. Sleep, volume I read the year so go but again I'm finding I learned so much more when I listen and read. And as I've written Dr. Sleep has been sitting on the low-budget book shelf for the past three weeks. I really figured it would be there today and of course Dr. Sleep was not there someone had purchased it over the weekend, because the book was there Friday. Drat how many times do I have to have the lesson of strike while the iron is hot. The only excuse I had for not purchasing Dr. Sleep last week was it would be a little bulky taking the book home either in my backpack or in a plastic sack hanging off my head rest. I just did not want to be inconvenienced and now I have the inconvenience of not being able listen to this Stephen King.

But as I said, I'm not going to let this get me down I have other options and I found one as I wandered off to the stacks. Over the weekend I noticed my library card lying on the surface they had recently been excavated. I've been meaning to grab the card and stick it in my wallet just so I would have it. This morning I did just that before leaving for the library. I thought about the whole process of purchasing these books on CD. I like the concept but really only times can you listen to a book. I know, I tend to read the same book many times so I guess I can listen to it many times but still I need to be becoming more and more simple – – okay I heard the smirks out there. I just need to check out a book CD like everyone else, listen to it and take it back thereby greatly increasing my pleasure. So I figured why not steer away from Stephen King and get back in the science fiction. I really enjoyed listening to Blade Runner so I found a volume that looked entertaining and it's as big as Stephen King's like 13 or 14 CDs and each CD is about an hour so I'm set for this week. I'm going to be listening to CDs partially because I let go of my cable today and we'll see how that goes.

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