Thursday, May 04, 2017

The Writers Group Returns

I like to write I really do, at least that's what I keep telling myself. I've always told myself that, that I like to write, that I am a writer, but I want to be a writer then why am I not a writer? That is the question. I've said 1 million times, it seems, that a writer writes. Lori Brock, my friend writes that she writes all the time. My friend Jerry is a real writer, a much published writer, he writes all the time. It's something in them – – something moves them to write daily. I write daily if this blog counts as writing. My daily 500 words has inflated to 700 sometimes more. But it's hard, sometimes it's scary, I don't think I will have something to say and that sort of spooks me. Many times low when I don't have an idea I start out babbling, rambling and somehow what I'm babbling and rambling about turns into a real post. In fact, I was having those feelings tonight trying to figure out what I was going to write about And then magically, when checking my emails I see a message from my buddy Jerry – – the professional writer – – who had lunch today with Lori, who I wrote about yesterday. I knew they're going to have lunch and I figured I would come up in the conversation somewhere but quite frankly was surprised to see a message or Jerry. Wow!

We were the three writers group, I really appreciated them letting me be part of that group, the heavy hitters and I'm just a lightweight. Jerry wants to get the group together again at least for lunch. I'm in favor of getting together again. It's fun to be part of a group like this It's like little mini secret society minus the handshakes and passwords. Jerry, the frustrated educator, would like us to bring pieces of writing that we been involved with. Lori will have no problem whatsoever bringing something but me I'm another case entirely. I haven't written anything specifically to write except for the blog and I don't think the blog counts as creative writing. I'll have to dredge something up from the past. I have been thinking of some items. Yesterday at lunch I sort of got a crazed feeling about a play I've threatened the right probably for decades now. I don't know how I would go about writing such a play but it's one of those things which keeps nudging me to bring it to fruition. I cannot remember if I was at Barnes & Noble, the library or some other place where creative things happen and they came upon a book which was designed to stimulate the reader into writing different items in their history. It was kind of an ingenious idea each page starts out with a partially written statement that the person reading then has to finish by handwriting on the lines for the rest of the document. Like “My first job was…” But this is a whole book of such such quotes and really if someone really filled out the book would come out with some sort of a historical document and might have fun writing it..Of course I purchased the book and brought it home but cannot find it anywhere in the apartment. It's got a be here I'm sure nobody else on earth would want to steal it. I liked it because it encouraged the reader to handwrite the information. For some reason that felt right to me.

Jerry wants to meet the first week of June. That gives me a couple weeks to throw something out. I have the time now so I have no excuse maybe, just maybe this will get that elusive book out of me.

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