Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Out Of Order

I think human nature is so funny. An issue takes so little to get something going but once the issue becomes grounded it's almost impossible to dismantle. These issues are kind like viruses. Like most people I try to wash my clothes at least once a week. And once again, I am so fortunate to have laundry facilities right here in the apartment complex I live. We have a great front loader in the laundry on my floor plus we have three dryers. The dryers or front loaders as well but it's a little difficult, for me to get my hand in the door mechanism to open the door. I end up using one of my books to wedge into the handle and pry it out. I must be careful that I don't damage the door but this method works most the time. Last Friday I washed a batch of clothes for the weekend and as I came in the laundry Irene, who is one of the residents here, was just leaving and warned me that dryer number three didn't work. I reknit even placed a “Out of order” sign on the machine. I really did not think much of the problem thinking it was pretty normal and sure will be fixed soon. I can now issues dryer number two which is sandwiched in between the two other dryers. Number two is not as convenient as three but I can get by expressive is just one wash.

Today I did wander my usual wash for this week which is a full load. I wandered down to the laundry early about 7:30 AM to try to get a jump on the day since the days going to be busy. I noticed the sign was still on dryer number three and thought wow that's really weird for them to go that long before fixing the machine. I started my wash went back to my room then I returned about 45 minutes later and staff were now in the manager's office having their coffee. I had my quarters in my fabric softener sheet on my lap and and thought “you know a better ask them when they're going to get number three fixed” and I did. Jennifer, the manager, seems surprised that the machine was broken. I told her the outer order signed a bill on their almost a week. I also told her that Irene had put the sign on. Jennifer told me that could be the issue. Irene sometimes gets a little befuddled. Jennifer said one of the apartment residents talk to her last night and said that should use the dryer and it worked fine.

I told Jennifer that would take the risk and use number three and see if it works. Worst-case scenario Jennifer will be $.75. I went in put my quarters in the slots, stuffed by close in the dryer, slammed the door slid the quarters and to the machine, the green light came on I pushed the button and off we went. The dryer seemed to be working like a champ. Obviously Irene messed up – – or perhaps more to the point I messed up and just let this system run its course not challenging the out of order sign. I am not the only one obviously that saw the sign and continued on. The machine sat idle for almost a week but now is in use. I'll take the signoff and that would be that by his wonder how many other issues in my life are similar I just take the sign at face value and go from theretoday I have my visual today I had my usual watch for this week.

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