Friday, May 19, 2017

Service And Then Some

One of the biggest challenges I face on a daily basis is how can I best serve those people around me. I'm so grateful when situation arises where I can be of true service. I'm trying to be patient waiting for this low pressure system to turn itself out of here. It is now haunted the area for three day bringing snow and rain and low temperatures and many clouds. There has not been a great deal of rain at least while I have had to be out on the tarmac. In fact the weather's been cool but not necessarily cold I've enjoyed the time I been out on the street. I have been able to make all my meetings and responsibilities this it has been a good week but I'm really looking forward to better weather and warmer temperatures which should start building tomorrow. I started the day thinking there was only one appointment I had to make today and that would be coffee with a friend of mine latter on this afternoon. However, when I went down today mailroom early this morning and three common room I saw that it was food bank day. The boxes are all stacked up as were the stacks of bread ready for folks from the building to come down and claim their food boxes. I started hanging around the common room on food box day because I found I can help. Many of the seniors have a difficult time lugging their box back to their apartments. I just put the box on my lap and well go with them over to their apartment and drop off the box. A great way to serve!

I've been doing this now for about three months. I started just hanging around food box day and visiting with staff that were there to assist with the boxes are folks who might need help. That's when I found out that I cannot to help as well. I really like gossiping with staff as well as being the occasional assist. I wish there were more these options to be helpful and I think if I just pay attention and make myself available they will come along. And the concept of full disclosure I must admit that I also take advantage of the fact that many of the seniors will go through the box when they get it and take out items they do not necessarily want. This is great for me because it gives me first shot at the sharing shelf. Items like large bottles of juice, boxes of milk and all manners of canned goods go out for consumption and I am a consumer. This morning I got about space 2 gallons orange juice, two boxes of milk, a nice bag of chili without beans a bag of pinto beans, macaroni and cheese and some vegetables. Not a bad haul for just volunteering. Of course I don't volunteer with the mind that I'm going to get free food but it certainly does not hurt.

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