Thursday, December 28, 2017


A number years ago my ex-wife Dianne and I worked in the same building for the state of Utah. She worked one floor above me. We often had been to and home from work together in my wheelchair accessible van. Even though we worked in the same building we never really saw each other. Dianne of course made many friends at her office and as is with many offices there is always one person who is trying to sell stuff to all their employee friends. When Dianne took a position, still with the State, or upstairs colleague continued to sell her items. Which resulted in me having to pack whatever was purchased home from the building I work in. This really was not a problem except for making connections. Connections are always a challenge it seems like for me. The agency plan worked with when we're in the same building was a security meaning the doors were locked and you had to go through clearances to access the area. This was not a big deal and I really did not have a problem doing so the process was always cumbersome.

It seemed like deliveries came monthly for Dianne and I would leave my office go down to the elevator and lift up to the third floor. There are a the package actually elevator, down to my office and eventually home. I became a pack a pack animal, a beast of burden, a burro. It was about the same time that I began sketching donkeys or burro's. I don't think the burros were very aesthetic but they were fun to mess around with. I developed a number of burros but four or five kept showing up in my drawings. I liked these burros and other people did to. I find it difficult to even label these endeavors drawings these little burros are just squiggles in many cases not even worthy of being called art or and art form. This is a clear case example of what would be wrecked if I were ever to get in to art school or art classes over at community college. I would end up creating figures that look like, like burros, hand-drawn renditions four-legged mammals used to carry burdens of all types.

I decided to do a collection and titled that collection Burros Of The Apocalypse or BOTA, for no apparent reason except I like the way Burros Of The Apocalypse sounded. This title is played with my mind over the years since, and if are really talented and good I would've could've made a comic book or strip for Burros. I even sold a number of individual drawings but this was to a friend of mine and I think he was just toying with me but it felt good all the same four images at 25 bucks an image is a fast cool hundred bucks. I'm going to revisit Burros Of The Apocalypse , is not the apocalypse concept the general concept of cute little burros nothing else just to see where the burros go and what the burros do. I want to thank Dianne for her support in this project. She is always loved his little beasts and encouraged me to keep developing them which I think I will do. 

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