Monday, December 18, 2017

Movie Magic

I love going to the movies. I think going to the movies is one of the most enjoyable things I do for myself. I know that sounds incredibly shallow but it's true. Granted, the movie has to be decent and as I age that level of decency or enjoy ability seems to get higher and higher. It's not that I majorly sophisticated it's just that I'm old and can tell the difference between special-effects and acting at least a little bit.

Like a great novel I like getting totally lost in the movie. Even better when I can afford the theater treats. Truth be known I have more than once bootlegged by movie treats in with me with my backpack. I went to the movies today. I went to Star Wars the latest. I wasn't sure how I felt about supporting another trilogy specially with all the original actors fading out one way or the other. But I felt I needed to support the franchise one more time.especially in light of the death of Princess Leia.

The movie was okay. I have to say that because I nearly spent $10 for my ticket. I'm trying not to be critical because it's sort of like talking bad about family member or best friend. But like the last Star Wars I went to I noticed that large parts of the feature seem to be lifted right out of other storylines of previous offerings. I don't know if it's just me but I kept getting a weird movie déjà vu. I let it go of course I just thought it was weird and accepted that's just how this franchise seems to go right now.Also I think it's weird and it's probably because I'm an old fart now but you can almost see comical characters being written into scripts in the hopes of franchising merchandise following the movie. Just blatant commercialization which just kind of irritates me. But this is not to be a movie critique. There are many more people much more talented than I who can critique this movie in others. I just wanted to spend the second talking about how much I do love movies.

I was paid to be an extra in the movie once Maldonado Miracle by Selma Hayek. Truly I did the whole thing. I had to join the actors union , fill outthe paperwork, then get myself to Eureka Utah for the movie set was at. The movie was about a small Catholic Cathedral where miracle happened and so disabled people flocked to the building and I was part of that flock. It was surprisingly hard work, hot, thirsty and hungry . I think I lasted only one day. The golden hour drive to get to the set and a lot of it was on rural road. I don't think I made it into the movie but I was paid and I tenaciously hold on to that experience. I would do it again if I got the chance.

Yes I went to the movies today. I will count this as my Christmas gift for my older brother Ross when in reality it's also a Christmas gift to myself from me.

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