Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Christmas Miracle Found!

Of course the dentists office was not going to let me out of their office without setting up my next appointment. I really wasn't quite sure how much the cost of today's visit was going to be (actually silly me, I thought that the tie with a dental hygienist was free. I thought it was a service of the dentist is a way to do exploratory on the mouth in search of continued work. I actually also thought it was a service offered through the insurance that I carry a preventive medical approach to more evasive dental involvement). The receptionist gave me the option of coming back for the for the fillings of either 8 AM this morning are later this week. I chose this morning at 8 AM. Wednesday morning I usually spend the hour of 7 AM to 8 AM with my home health professional but she's on vacation this week and the person I have covering could not work with me today until later in the afternoon so everything worked out just fine

Of course this was a day that snow was forecast. And although the storm forecast is a light storm in the fast-moving storm the storm will be moving fastly through this area just as I am coming to the dentist office. That's okay I live across the street. Dress in layers and I'll be just fine. I actually started getting ready for my trip to the dentist office last night getting to bed by 10 o'clock and setting my clock on my cell phone 6 AM. It was a weird evening I don't know why – – possibly the excitement of an early morning trip to the dentists or more specifically a bed that won't shut up. Seriously there something wrong with my hydraulic system on my bed which on specific nights, none of which I can predict, the bed plays percussion but seems like all night long. I need to make time to send a copy of the recording I made of this symphony to the beds manufacturer to see if they have an idea of what might be wrong. I kind of think it's either the way I sleep on the bed and somehow I've worn the hydraulic system out or maybe I'm too heavy for the little bed. I refuse to believe this, I mean I know I need to lose weight by don't need to have my stupid head chattering at me all night long chastising me into losing pounds/kilograms.

Needless to say I made good time getting dressed and goofing around till it was time to cross the street. The snow was just beginning the fall as I cross the street and entered the doctor's office. I love going to professional offices early in the morning. You get to see a piece of their humanity that somehow gets worn away as the workday progresses. They always act like they're really glad to see me (well I suppose so in that I seem to be stacking everyone's 401K. I like all the people. I was a bit surprised they were like two people already in the dental chairs maybe three either numbing up or already under the drill. I was pleasantly greeted and directed back to the one office that I can scoot into behind the regular dental chair and have a enough room to tell back in my power chair for Dr. Anderson to work on me easily. They offered me nitrous oxide and I took it. I knew it had to pay a few shekels more but I figured it was the holidays and I was worth it.

Once they figured I was numbed up, good and dead, we started the process. Was kind of painful even with they Novocain. The gums are still a little sensitive as the doctor probed and searched. Then finally the Christmas miracle (not a big one by any means but anything else) as the doctor explored he found only one cavity for two existed yesterday are so said the hygienist. Only about 15 minutes from search to filling and I was coming down out of a fairly decent nitrous high. I was excited about only having half of the proposed build a deal with and tell I found out that is being charged 100 and some bucks for time spent with the hygienist yesterday!

When I left the snow was falling considerably heavier than when I arrived. I felt the burden of more debt. But that's life and Aand life is good. One miracle is better than nothing. I was wondering where I'd find my Christmas miracle this year and it was kind of challenging but I found it just the same… Merry Christmas, God bless us everyone.

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