Thursday, May 30, 2019

Under Pressure

Sometimes I wonder if I will spend the rest of my days nursing butt wounds and relegating how much time I can spend being up in my chair. And I guess I'm okay with this is certainly a weird mental picture. Whenever, I have had friends who respond according to and have these massive butt wounds and they are truly regulated the bedrest for however long the wounds take to heal And to the best of my knowledge they finally did heal though some took fairly serious time and surgical intervention. There's also stories of how people lived out their days in serious consequences as wounds but they did live out their days and I got along fairly decent. So I best figures this by next chapter life wise, and possibly getting close to the final chapters. I say this and then I realize the ones that I had earlier in the week seem to be somewhat better last two days. Even going to bookclub was not much of an issue. However, now I can certainly feel pressure on my rear end.

Being the perpetual optimist I'm looking towards the advent of the upcoming wheelchair renovation and new cushion to assist me get back to a normal butt a place to word like to be. I truly believe the slow destruction of my current wheelchair cushion has been the major culprit of my sensitive tush. I mean, I think I really could do the down time if needed getting up during the day just for bathroom and meals. I don't know how long being down would take But probably not all that long. After Dana put the new dressing on my butt on Monday seemed like healing kicked in almost immediately. So I know I collect whatever problem arises with my other end. This will sound optimistic doesn't it? Or am I just whistling in the dark?

The days are going to get better temperature wise and moisturize. I should be concerned because hot days, no moisture is definitely a recipe for concern here in the West. A high-pressure system is working its self over the state and the clouds are going away in the temperatures are going to skyrocket almost 90° by next Friday. Part of me is totally excited and I guess what I was going to say was that with the hot temperatures means I will be out sitting in the shade lean back in my chair (taking the weight off my butt) reading and totally enjoying the late spring and early summer. I continue to be active With drawing class. I guess I'm on hiatus from DRAC for how long I don't know I just don't feel comfortable with their choices right now. I'm enjoying the drawing class But it's kind of depressing I just can't seem to draw the way the other kids do. I find myself making excuses to myself about why I can't draw I do not believe it has anything to do with my disability. People draw with their mouths, their feet and who knows what else. I just have to do the work put in the time just keep drawing And keeping active and keeping the pressure off my ass…

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