Monday, June 28, 2021

Messy Mondays

; font-size: large;">If there were black Mondays I guess this might qualify as one but really perhaps I'm being a little melodramatic. This morning I had a realization that possibly the problem I'm having with my morning transfers from my bed to the chair (new chair and talking about) is that I'm not high enough to do the “fall into the bed thing”. This works so well with my other chair I just figured would be the same this chair. I'm not sure but this morning as I was pondering what the difference was I'm pretty sure the feature of the elevator on my chair is what's making the big difference. I should've realized this from the beginning and not ordered the feature (though I definitely love having the elevator when I need to have used it already like three or four times in the apartment and out). But of course the chairs, sit higher on the platform because the elevator takes a significant amount of space. This morning I almost did not make the transfer getting stuck in between the bed and the chair. Luckily, I was able to move the chair away from the bed minutely to the point where I could safely recline the chair almost into a prone position where I was nearly lying down and then to myself onto the wheelchair seat . I kind of sabotage myself by slightly moving the chair forward – – which really works when I'm falling into my chair does not work when I'm trying to transfer straight across – –luckily I got squared away in the chair and then to my horror left side of my chair pretty much fell off. It's kind of complicated but there's a slider on the arm that somehow has come loose. What I scooted forward the whole mechanism came off. What was left of the arm of my chair then was the receiver and which was actually mounted to the chair but was quite jagged and abrasive I scratched my arm up quite a bit because now I didn't have anything but the jagged edge to pull myself up to the upright position it seems like every 10 minutes I have to do because I am scooting in this new chair. I have to be careful not to talk myself into new chair depression or NCD. Luckily because my scoliosis which pulls me so far to the right I was not in fear of falling from my chair because of the left side being gone. I just didn't know what else to do, it was not enough to make me cry and I wasn't serious that it was just enough to kind of record by day. Luckily Melanie showed up and was able to finally figure out the problem and put the side of the arm back into the receiver and has got me by from rest of the day. I've made the calls have got the mechanic coming out tomorrow at 8 AM and hopefully he can only secure the arm piece in place until I can meet with my occupational therapist and the mechanic Allen on Friday and hopefully get some things nailed down before everyone disappears for the Fourth of July holiday.

As bad as all this sounds and to me it sounds quite bad I have to really sit step back and rethink my situation. I'm at a great apartment, have food in the fridge, computer with Internet connection with enough speed to keep me happy. Friends, a great ex-wife, family and professionals who will get this all figured out one where the other I have a life to look forward to. My butt hurts because I think the chair and the cushion are working against me but I think all things will work out…

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