Monday, June 21, 2021

Nw Chair and Butt


It's here! I got my new power chair today it's a quantum edge three power chair with a lot of whistles and bells first time I really indulge myself at the taxpayers expense.honestly I'm still in the hate phase of the chair but that probably will not last long which I'll get into that in a minute.the chairs but in the area for some time and just recently last week made arrangements to have the new power chair delivered today. I was kind of in different by that point. I decided I had better take delivery of the device before the chairman currently driving breaks down again. I'm sure that shares do just because it's been acting so well the last couple weeks.

I wandered down to the front of the building around 11 AM which was the time of our appointment. And sure enough as soon as I got there I saw Alan (the fitting and delivery tech) pulling the chair out of the back of his minivan. I can't believe the Corporation he works for saddle him with such a little vehicle for these big chairs, talk about a pain in the ass.I could make up my mind if I immediately hated the chair are somewhat fascinated with what I was looking at. I was not as repulsed as I was with the chair I'm leaving behind. I swear had there been a way to not take delivery I would have. Now that in my new chair I miss the old chair something fierce even though I haven't parked into the back of chair spot in my bedroom. I immediately took issue with a number of things that I saw but didn't say anything but I must've been sighing very loudly because Alan picked up on my negativity immediately and told me just a hold my horses he would explain the chair for me in detail when we got to the apartment. I just sighed and said okay.

The arm configurations are completely different on this chair than my previous chair which worries me greatly because I use the ability to lower the arms to a level where I can roll into bed at night and by the same token raise my bed high enough to roll into the chair the next morning. It works great hope this chair will work as well. I won't bore you with the entire session but there's no way to get me from this chair to my new chair was just the two of us unless I actually went to bed and then rolled back into the chair the new chair which I did which I also I might add totally impressed Alan. It was difficult doing this procedure. I had to keep in mind that doing this procedure I was fully clothed and usually I'm naked going in and out of my chair which makes me a bit more slippery. The chair is configured now in such a way that there is more distance between the cushion and the side of my bed than before. This worries me greatly because this is where I fallen between the crack of the chair in the bed had to call the paramedics for rescue. I'll have to take precautions. I think I will eventually become quite proficient at this transfer. The problems I thought about the arm of the chair went away at least partly I should be able to get them out of the way well enough to make the transfers. We actually had to program the chair to recline as far as I needed to. It's essentially the same control box but with new and improved animations which at this point I don't like but I will get used to them it's pretty much the same things they show but in a different way I should be flexible. The cushion is horrible on my butt as I'm sitting on it right now. I may have to go to another cushion if there is one is better than what I've got. The other cushion I had I think we had custom-made with over stuffing I don't know if that's possible it would probably be self-pay – – Alan kept going on and on about self-pay versus insurance/government pay. They really don't like to work with self-pay I I'm beginning to feel but that's not new information. There was an issue with my restraint belt and wasn't paid for by me at self-pay are wasn't basically given me at the time of the order of the chair to go with the chair when it got here. I say this just because the chair came without a restraint thinking that the old custom restraint that I really must have would go to the new chair. If that's the case then I need to order another built are put a less usable belt on the back of chair. Then the best feature was shown to me that was the elevator function. This actually list be straight up 12 inches which does not sound like a lot but will greatly aid me in the kitchen and shopping and watching parades.

I don't think it's the power chairs fault. But the way my feet are sitting in the foot box is quite painful but is painful and the other chair as well but not as much sense my feet were pretty much broken into the other chair. This is going to take some patience…

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