Thursday, April 27, 2017

Two Being Solid

I fixed a two bean salad tonight for dinner, I also had cottage cheese on the salad with an Italian seasoning and yes a can of red beets. I put those things on a bed of salad
gotten from the market about a week ago to salad greens were still okay I hope. Just so I could stand the whole concoction I threw in a handful of Fritos. I miss shot myself in the foot with the Fritos but somewhere along the line you got to eat something you really like the chase all the other stuff down. The salad was okay. Had I more time before the the Big Bang go Theory was scheduled to begin I would've thrown in some purple onion and a few more things in the fridge. However, I was okay with what I had. Reminds me a salads Dianne used to make. Dianne makes really great salads sometimes a little bit too big for me to handle but they are good and Dianne's salads has all kinds of stuff in them. I have yet to make a Dianne salad.

I don't know why I do not eat salads every night for every lunch. I certainly like the salads well enough and I have ingredients around the place like many cans of tuna, cheese in the fridge and chips and crackers for crunch. I have to go light on the latter because I'm still desperately trying to lose weight. Seriously, this last week I've gone a little crazy about two bags of potato chips, I actually bought a three piece chicken dinner at the deli from my local market. The chicken pieces were huge and had been deep fat fried of course with lots of glorious skin or whatever that stuff that makes fried chicken so good. Somewhere along the first the week I had ice cream on a stick which was delicious. Two mornings at least I had a full-blown breakfast of cold cereal, milk and two pieces of toast with real butter. Perhaps the most damning food item I had was canned milk in my coffee. All of those ingredients and items have pushed my weight way beyond the point of comfort for me. Last night Honey with me and that 99.2 kg! And for ever since I weighed that much and and I've watched the weight steadily increase over the week so definitely I need to intervene with myself and pull myself away from the major calorie boosters.

I look around and see really big people all the time, they're not watching their weight why should I? Actually I think I'm doing pretty good sticking around this week but I know I can do so much better and get back down to the low 90s kilograms. I really like weighing less I can really tell or buy but can really tell because it seems like once I get down to like 98 kg and lower I significantly have less discomfort on my bottom from sitting all day. I think my transfers are better and it seems like I'd get dressed faster and of course I feel that I look that much better but that may be way out of the reality of life but still less to look at. So, I'm going to try over the next couple days to lower that 99 kg level down to the 90s again and see what comes.

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