Saturday, October 28, 2017

Another Tablet Down

I lost my tablet today – – I love my tablet but I think it's gone. Last time I remember having my tablet was sitting on my lap under my backpack as heading out for my day. I felt something slip down to my feet but I did not pay much attention because the position of my man bag was square my foot pedals where the bag rarely rides and I did not want to mess With the bag. It was only when I got the bus stop in front of the Arctic Circle but I realized I no longer had my tablet. I of course immediately backtracked hoping against hope that I would come across to the black tablet but to no avail. I even went all the way into the apartments back to my place looked around it that even looked around the front of the complex little bit it's nowhere though

The day started out so positive. I got a bit more sleep than usual and is feeling pretty good. I lollygag in bed until around 8 AM then got up.. I did the wash and dry taking a couple hours because of the double drive resuscitation of the amount of wash. I toted the wash back to the apartment and got ready to head out. Figuring out I would hang and fold close tonight. This is when I must've lost the tablet. I cannot believe the tablet disappeared in the amount of time which elapsed between the time I realized that gone at the bus stop and backtracked to the apartment. I didn't see anybody who could've picked it up there is nothing on the way back to the apartments just me and the sidewalk.

I love this tablet. I have a lot of stuff on the tablet some risqué but a lot of it is stuff that is written or images taken by the camera. I'm hoping most of the older images have been lifted up to the Internet in the sky. Still that camera is great on the tablet and I prefer it to other images I've taken with my cell phone..I also enjoy the tablets voice to text capability it seems to be better than even the software I use on the big computer. I also have some art apps on the tablet which render much better images than anything else that I work with. I'm remarkably not distressed at this loss. I do not think I will replace this piece of equipment quickly even though I could. I don't hold much hope out that some is going to pick it up and be the good Samaritan and return it. But I shouldn't judge quickly weirder things that happened especially to me, weirder in a good way.

I was actually going to write about something else for this day's post but it looks like the lost tablet edged my other topic out and quite frankly I don't even remember what it was now.

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