Monday, October 30, 2017


Saturday morning to my delight as I went down to check the sharing shelf And the mail I found the place was too lone sugar cookies.These cookies redecorated for Halloween. One cookie was a ghost, And beautifully round cookie covered with white icing hardened and smooth with facial features made with some sort of chocolate frosting. The other cookie was more of a traditional jack-o'-lantern but it to had a smooth sugar glaze which is hard to a smooth surface all orange with the face of chocolate frosting features. I gaze upon these cookies will seemed great while before I made my choice of the orange, pumpkin face cookie. I have to show strong restraint not to have taken both cookies. I wanted to but figured someone else and enjoy the cookie. I wondered if at one time the plate on which the cookies rested Had been piled with cookies And for somebody else's restraint two cookies remained. I took the back to my room and set it on the table with the idea I would enjoy the cookie later on during the weekend maybe during evening watching a movie. I only needed one cookie anymore would be far more calories than I needed.

I hardly see these kind of cookies anymore. Most of the decorated cookies I see these days coming out of market bakeries are white pieces and barely cooked dough and the frosting is some form of foam sugar hastily applied. I read my share of these little monstrosities over the years only to be disappointed with each bite. Whatever humanity these cookies once had , had been lost In the baking process in the back of the marketplace earlier that morning, way earlier. Glazed sugar cookies a staple of grade school Holiday parties made by dependable room-mothers forever. The room mothers brought Cookies for holidays and cakes for the Carnival the annual event which usually fell around Halloween and was supposedly a fundraiser. The cakes ended up At room 12 the cakewalk room. That one game of chance that kids will put up two of their tickets to try to win whatever cake was awarded To the lucky chair. Nobody called gambling but it definitely was a game of chance.

The cake watched me all day Saturday as I went into and out of my apartment checking the mail and washing and drying my clothes. In fact as I worked I forgot all about the cookie. It was only later that night while I was watching an old Star Trek Enterprise that I remembered the cute little pumpkin cookie I placed on the table earlier in the day. I thought about going over to the coffee maker and sitting along to warm the leftover coffee or even going to the refrigerator and point a box of milk. All Seemed to be a of bit too much effort I thought especially the milk which it necessitates dirtying A glass. In the end I decided just to bite the cookie… It was cookie time.. Looks can be deceiving. The cookie was okay not world-class but still better than one of those junkers you get from the bakery these days. The cookie could have been sweeter and had the texture of sawdust. Still a cookie is a cookie and at 10 o'clock at night anything looks good.

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