Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Hot Dogs and Man Boobs

It's Fourth of July season. Another major family holiday am just not sure what to do tomorrow. But that is not what this blog is about. As you will remember from last year I have this fantasy that there will be a major gathering tomorrow of one sort or another which I will be part of. If you might remember today was the dreaded mandatory resident meeting at 3:30 PM. Needless to say the event is pretty weird. Rarely do I see all the residents together at one time. Not even a Christmas or the resident picnic which was earlier this month. There is a core group of residents which do not come to these functions when there voluntary but a note on your door with the word “mandatory” on it is a another question entirely.Just to answer the question I know you've all been asking, and not to keep you in suspense the meeting was about gossiping. I cannot believe it they wasted our time about resident backbiting unbelievable. However, there was a positive side in that they also took general questions from the residents. My question was was their policy about how to use the common ground on the main patio. The answer was the grill that is there is for the residents. We can use it if we do not abuse it. That was good to hear that I really plan to use the grill this summer.

So to keep up with my fantasy of Fourth of July get together I bought two kinds of crinkled chips regular and barbecue. The market had to deal 2-for-1 but you have to get two. Same way with the Oscar Meyer Wiener's I got. I got them for three packs of five bucks (I thought it was a deal – – almost too good to be true). I of course thought these were all beef wieners and they're not have got three packs of these wieners made of beef and chicken parts (chick lips and who knows what else?) I froze two packs of dogs and will force myself to eat one. Who knows Oscar Meyer does great dogs may be made compatible beef and chicken lips. Anyway, I pretty much used up all My words for this blog. But briefly I was going to write about man boobs which I have some. They are not great boobs as boobs go but I like him. The problem is I don't have enough boob to use the holster my cell phone. Seems everywhere I went tonight at the market women are either pulling cell phones from their bras are putting the cell back in their bras. How cool would that be cool at least until you found a lump.

My son has offered to come into the city tomorrow and drive me all the way out to his place at the far side of the county. I'm still on the fence. It would be nice to actually go somewhere for the fourth Of July but then I would feel bad because I don't know I can tolerate family happiness to the logical and when to be the firing of the fireworks very late at night then still have to drive back with everybody else dashing home because they have to work on Thursday. That would be hard on me and it would be hard on Mark so maybe I just wish you a happy Fourth of July play with my fantasy to the logical conclusion eating hot dogs by myself .

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