Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Black Garbage Bags ad a Red Monte

It's Wednesday. Typically, I don't really have anything going on Wednesday which is good and I think I'm going to begin doing my laundry on Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays my days are somewhat booked with class and events going on the afternoon. Friday is a good possibility to do laundry but if I wait till Friday I'm really limited on close for Thursday and Friday to consider. Wednesday seems to be the day which I'm going to inaugurate Washday Wednesday. From my experience the day is also somewhat slow in the washroom another reason for the choice.

When I got to the laundry this morning there was another person doing their laundry. She was sitting there watching are more like listing to the dryer tumble next to her was a big black. You know how on TV or the movies When a person is sucked into a flashback of one sort or another you get that drizzle,drazzle,druzzle, drome effect (envision the kid in the Peabody cartoon on Rocky and Bullwinkle tumbling head over heels as they head back in time are back to the future). I was taken back maybe 40 years but has lived in Iona Idaho. We did not have a washer or dryer so every Saturday I would bundle up all of our wash and big black garbage bags and headed into Idaho Falls (four or 5 miles from Iona). I was driving a fire engine red Monte Carlo at the time and I would have all the bags sitting on the backseat.I loved that Monte Carlo. I actually got that vehicle from the Idaho State Department of vocational rehabilitation I DVR! I would never ever been able to afford a vehicle like that by myself. But that is a topic for another blog entry

I don't remember how I found the laundromat may be just out a convenience it was just on the way out of Idaho Falls to the rural Road which led to Iona. I must've stopped another one Saturday and just kept going back. Washing clothes was an all day affair for me, I think even if I was more able-bodied still would've taken the major part of the day. But I would do it. Bag the close up around 8:30 AM and drive into the city and take over about four washers and dryers and begin my process. The laundromat was owned by this old guy that is pretty nice to me, his last day was even Smith same as mine that's why II remember him so vividly. I'm sure he was a Republican a cantankerous old miser but for some reason took me in after I showed up at his establishment for the third week in a row. He even helped me unload my garbage bags numerous times or in some cases load the bags back into the Monte which I desperately appreciated. It would be 4 or 5 o'clock by the time I would get back To our house and Iona. I would be exhausted but glad to get this task completed. Looking forward to opening up a can of something heat up for dinner and then watch reruns on old black and white TV on the floor in the living room praying that no one would come over…

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