Saturday, July 13, 2019


I don't know what I was thinking I know I did have some feelings of trepidation regarding attending this mini –Family reunion that somehow got concocted for the visit from Shelley and the girls. I don't know if Mark Anthony threw it together but it certainly did come together for what was. However if I want to spend any time at all with Shelley in the girls I would have to do it on these terms and I guess that's okay. Just seemed like a little weird to me.

The event was at Liberty Park.. I have not been to Liberty in some time. There was a time when I spend a lot of time at this park which I think is a pretty good Park now however it's still a good Park there's just a lot of stuff in the park these days.There's all kinds of togetherness type things, I do know how to explain it, the sewing tools to their and there now is a sprout pool , you know one of those Fountains that shoot up water that kids play in. I guess a civilized way to be wet. Tracy aviary is still a main attraction and seems to have grown a great deal of sugar surprised that. Just a bunch of other little things that certainly shows how the park has grown. Please to see however It's large trees are still intact for the most part in beautiful to be around.

I of course took public transit from the apartment to the park. I made contact with Shelley and Mark around 10 o'clock just to find out what the timeframe was.. I wasn't sure what to expect but they suggested around noon-ish around 12 which is okay I was not on the timeline so I figured I would get there when I did. I decided to go to the medical center station Murray Central then take the 45 up to 50 E. and jumped at 205 into the park. This actually went straightforward I was pleased how well is a will to make the connections and did very little waiting in fact I one driver on the 45 called ahead and had the 205 wait until I got there which is very nice.

Mark and the girls were just getting there I guess when I showed up. They are in their bathing suits looking for the pool. Mark was all focused on getting in contact with the Olsons the cousins and that's who this group would be pretty much was. What I thought about I kind of thought it was strange that I was really the only one there representing the old the adults from the old days. None of the other people for my generation was there. I did get the feeling at times I was technically an interloper. Interesting that many of the senior Olsons family system has disintegrated over the years. My particular branch is somewhat renegade Shelley handles it very well. Mark I don't think sees this very much but that's okay. He sees himself as a cousin and will always be a cousin no matter what. They all seem to have an infinity for each other which I'm glad still Shelley's sensitive enough to realize that there may not be a lot of acceptance but the same time she's not backing away from the group at all. I for some reason tried to fit in may be too hard. I was certainly welcomed early on and I think all the time but definitely I was an outsider. The one time I tried to enter fully into the conversation thinking that I was accepted was when I made a comment about an event I experienced when I was living in Iona and when the cousins looked at me like I had three heads like but what would I know about Iona. A new a lot about Iona I lived there for a least a year a year too long.

I enjoyed spending a little bit of time with the girls and Shelley. The flying out tomorrow and I won't see him again until the next time when that might be. Shelley still love time working long-distance via her computer and the girls Jessore clumped together. I still wish I was a better grandparent who knows maybe someday I'll get a better chance…

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