Sunday, July 21, 2019

Brushing Teeth , Spitting Blood and Making Bank

I am living in federally subsidized housing. I know if I'm in best to admit this our state this I certainly got accustomed to the accommodation. Actually, I'm here primarily because I needed housing immediate housing I made some phone calls and this is what came up. I actually think I could've found some lower-priced regular private housing but that would've been really financially painful over the long run but I think I could've done it but as it was I was at the right age and sitting on the right Board of Directors to get new is facility when I needed housing, immediate housing.

As I indicated this is federally subsidized housing which means my rent ends up being at the most one third of my adjusted income and there's all kinds of formula that goes into figuring out what adjusted income means but it's a good deal but it's really intimidating for me. Last week as I was traveling up by the front office the building manager, Jennifer. Indicated that it was time for me to start putting my financial package together. I was taken aback is always am it seems like I just did finish this just a few months ago but she assured me it was time and I ground my teeth forced a smile said yes I'll begin working on it. I working very diligently at changing my disposition as to this really one task that I am asked to perform yearly and really to my best benefit. But I have to do is put all the medical expenses and other kinds of expenses I deal with over the year present them to Jennifer who then presents them to HUD who then usually (if I'm lucky) lower my rent.. I'm always freaked out because this means I have to go into my records to get this information is always fully freaks me out. Luckily I suppose most of my medical bills are taking care of through Medicare and insurance I had with the state of Utah. However, good old dental did not fare so well. So last year, I have a lot of dental work done, it seemed like a lot to me, but it was a couple thousand dollars that I did not have however my dentist Alan Anderson allows me to put it on a charge system brand paying a couple hundred a month to try to pay this, weight around my neck, down. And I suppose is much as I hate having to do this it does add up which I'm able to apply to my HUD spend down or whatever it's called. I also unable to keep up good relationship with my dentist who is almost directly across the street from my apartment. And this even more important than came back and location is the fact that I'm afraid I have more dental work that is going to be needing attention in the very near future. Last night before going to bed I was dutifully brushing my teeth and when I brought the brush away and glanced at the vibrating head the vibrating head was scarlet!I spat and not tainted rose colored water emitted from my mouth but dark red rich colored blood. Luckily my mouth was also full of toothpaste which allowed that I did not have to taste the coppery substance. I felt there was a pile of loose skin by a molar in the back that has felt padded our stuffed or something. There's been really not a lot of pain associated with that sensation but something's happening because a lot of blood. This morning there was no blood when I brush my teeth and no pain in that region of my mouth. I will probably hold off calling Alan and scheduling an appointment. I'm really still embarrassed at having missed an appointment a couple weeks ago and not advising them. Hopefully, I will laugh it off when I make the appointment and roll across the street to see MY dentist who is my best hope at the reduction of blood and pain in my mouth and raised rent…

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