Sunday, July 07, 2019

T M I?

Today has been a slow-motion day. I don't know if the slow motion effect is from the day or from possible sleep deprivation but I don't feel sleep deprived especially when I was waking up I actually stayed in bed till almost 8 o'clock and that's very rare, sleeping most of that time kind of. I was convinced and still am to some degree that I was suffering from a kidney/bladder infection. I didn't really have any pain per se but I did feel some pressure in my back towards the kidney area and I did wake Up frequently to urinate. Each time my urine production was fairly significant but they were spaced only a few hours apart which worried me a little bit. Frequent urination urgencies at least is indicative of urinary tract infection of one sort or another. Initially woke at 330 then again at 4:30 AM when I did he then I went back to sleep until 630 almost 7 AM when I peeD again .

It's weird now I tend to worry a great deal when I'm laying in bed pondering whatever issue is happening to me. I thought long and hard about finding the local “doc in the box”. I haven't had a need to find this kind of service in the time that I've been here in the Taylorsville area. I did find an insta-care type facility. There is such facility maybe 10 or 12 blocks away at least two bus trips. It's not that I have a problem with the two bus trips It's just that I don't want to go through that much effort today anyway. It's Sunday so the services very slim with headways on hour part. My other option than being too just drink lots of water and maybe even concoct an alfalfa tea remedy. I really believe in alfalfa just because my mother and my grandmother did. On the farm we always had a hunk of alfalfa curing on the roof of the garage for that time when somebody get a ladder. However, fortunately, praise the Lord, I begin to feel somewhat better as the day went on but I did maintain my hydration project.I think I do have a bladder infection still. I did ingest a lot of fluids today and the color of my urine increased tenfold or lightened butt hough light in color the piss is very cloudy and I assume dense And has a less than pleasant odor. I'm feeling better as I write this but still maybe tomorrow I should drop the urine off somewhere and see what they think. I know there will be infection found I always run a small grade infection but maybe it would be good to get some decent medicine to knock it out for the rest of the summer.

So tomorrow's going to be busy already. Even if I don't do urinary test I need to run down to rehab and get a couple parts for my chair. For some reason my back right Castor has seized and making a horrible noise it scared the snot out of me. I also have to replace my front caster that's got this flat surface so I don't keep thudding over and over again. Then my brother Carl should be over in the afternoon putting the control box back on my other chair. Somewhere in the meantime I have to do the finishing touches of my drawing submissions for Tuesday. This week is going to be busy

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