Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday's Tears

I really believe we get the same test over and over throughout our lives. And I think it's more than one test I think there are many many challenges that are thrown at us and what we do with those has something to do with I would progress through this veil of tears.

Saturday morning, I'm feeling fairly good because my cleaning person said she was coming over today, she'd missed yesterday and I was a little worried about her. Gail is a little older than I am couple years she said freely good health I would not say she's frail but this weather is so bizarre that I become concerned when I don't hear from her on a regular basis are least when she usually planned something she follows through. Friday is the typical day she comes to do the apartment but yesterday was a no-show and there was no contacts that I could see. But Gail text literally to say that should be over later in the afternoon. I also felt fairly good because I had been able to keep the apartment fairly shipshape over the preceding week which is kind of a rarity. I was going to try to have a focus on some of the other parts of the apartment maybe the bathroom this week.

Like I said it's Saturday morning and I was somewhat excited to get over to the food bank for whatever options might be there for me this week. I missed last week due to the mini -family reunion. I made one of my very special breakfasts this morning which took a lot of time which helped me get to the time for food bank. I use my new flat bottomed wok and things are great. There was a bigger line and I would like at food bank that the same old faces just on different bodies. True to form, I got behind a somewhat stylish, down on his luck Christian. I really didn't quite know how to read the guy except for one cannot make many comments before he started coming on born again, give everything over to Jesus who saved my soul persona. Behind me (which I did not first notice possibly because she wasn't there when I first got in line) but was a interesting hard of hearing/semi-death, is that redundant?, Person who seemed really interested in conversing. This person communicated verbally and instantly I could tell me where. The three of us communicated a little bit or tried to waiting for the doorbell ring and the line to move forward. The hard of hearing woman was a mother who seem to be living on her own and when quizzed said that she had always been denied services in state and federal programs. This is part of the reason my Spidey senses begin tingling. I could sense there's a lot more to the story that she was telling me. And she was setting major hooks for me to bite onto. So she could reel me and be taken care of our get services. I backed away emotionally and somewhat physically. I did tell her about the DD Council as well as Utah's disability Law Center. She of course did not write anything nor did I volunteer to writing things down our figure out a way to get information to her and that's the lesson. I most likely was supposed to do just that. She was my test. She was the Pharisee laying on the side of the road and I was the Samaritan but I wasn't very damn good. I just couldn't get involved that sounds cold and typical and selfish as hell but by Spidey senses were screaming at me to back away and that this was a walking bucket of trouble.

I hope that she will remember at least the names of the organizations I suggested she contact, but I know that she will not. She's one of those that needed to be led by the hand as she totally consumed them and probably spent them out when they would do everything for her. Cynical, I know but right now I know my limits and go to stick to those limits. You know why? Because I know I'm going get the test again probably soon one or the other and maybe I'll do better next…

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