Sunday, March 29, 2020

4:00 PM And IS Well

4 o'clock! How can it be for o'clock p.m.? Seems like I just got up granted I did sleep in till seven something but still I was hours ago and now the days almost gone. I could blame daylight savings time that seems to be the finest in the best excuse to use. I haven't really done anything except watch a few dishes early this morning, early being after I got up. Looks like a nice day outside even though the sun is not out the temperature is actually the 50s. I went out a few minutes ago just a test the day that felt good on my short sleeves – – that's right I worn short sleeves today. Truth is I pulled out what I thought was a longsleeved black shirt and was one of the shorties. I was too lazy to rehang the garment so here I am short sleeves of all sitting in front of my computer with my trusty dusty space heater blasting away.

I'm not going to make a federal case out of this. In fact I'm kind of glad that it happened since it's the end of the month and I want to spend as little money as possible before the next influx of federal money appears, like magic into my bank account. On Friday morning when Annette was finished with my morning program and heading out we agreed that she would return on Saturday at 2:30 PM for the weekly two-hour housecleaning. Typically, Annette comes at 1:30 PM so I noted the difference in time and since I'm pretty much chained to the apartment made little difference what time but as the day wandered on 2:30 PM came and went and there was no Annette. I guess I could've called or texted but I figured something must've come up. As I alluded to that's okay because that's $40 I saved. Sadly however I weakened and climbed the bus and headed south to Walmart for some materials that by regular market, across the street, were out of, spending $30 in the process. It was nice to be at a market that didn't seem to be so traumatized by the Covid virus. There were fewer people at Walmart that I'm used to on a Saturday but I didn't see shelves depleted of materials. I did not get the panic feeling to hoard but I felt down my Fresh Market.I was kind of surprised because the Walmart meat counter had packages of fresh hamburger formulated into patties similar to what I was searching for at the Fresh Market across the street. The only difference was these patties look very handmade purses to the exact replication patties that Fresh market sells. The only problem is the handmade patties are like two of the F M patties. I wish I had been thinking more clearly and picked up a tomato are two. I have a number of hamburger buns that were rescued from the sharing shelf. I think I'll fry up the burgers to write hamburger sandwiches behalf throughout the next week. Looks like I took off on another tangent and I guess I should apologize but will not. I'm worried about Annette and will most likely be okay when she wanders in tomorrow morning for my Monday morning program. She will tell me about her 91-year-old mother, her new chicks which are quickly becoming pullets or the status of her hospice patient that takes up so much of her time. Everything will be fine you'll see. Annette will have a great excuse…

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