Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Essentially Expendable

It's kind of hard to be non essential. Like to think I'm essential the somebody somewhere or something here. And I know that they will be those who respond all yes but you are essential you will always be Essentialn but nothing like A pandemic to let you know how essential or non essential you are.My friend Lori is essential. She actually has and is a essential job which is able to do online which is pretty cool. I don't know she likes the idea that she's you sinsel enough to keep working and everyone else is not but working is still working which means you're not invisible.

Now I'm invisible and I've grown to accept the fact that I have become a shadow person. There are many shadow people out there Probably more than has ever been before, consider the baby boomers.So maybe I'm not totally invisible as I clean on to my few volunteer positions on various boards and committees in this state. Maybe something in my unconscious tells me when I let go of all those quazi responsibilities I Evaporate into a puff of nothingness - - I heard a great Podcast yesterday on Fresh Air about this one individual who breed believes that at the time of death especially in a senior their their last breath when exhaled takes the spirit out of the body and puts it back into the cosmos or the collective conscious or whatever. The thought kind of freaked me out at first but the more I thought about it the more that it's probably right.

I've been listening to NPR all day which is sort of typical interestedly I've been listening for “essential people are persons”. Of course the pandemic is worsening as it works its way through the USA. Americans are getting spooked. They're still love all touristic feelings out there you know “we're going to make it” “America strong”. I'm amazed at the 5 o'clock block national news has all these uplifting stories of individuals/communities/neighborhoods banding together respecting social distancing of having supportive and cutesy things. That's just about run it's path I think. I'd noted with interest yesterday mourned more nursing type organizations and professionals are beginning to talk about strikes and sickout's and walkouts. I can't really say that I blame them that sure is kind of scary. I think those professionals probably justified in what they want more protection from the virus. They do have the skill sets from the medical doctors on down to even people like Annette my provider. I don't necessarily think were talking gouging moneywise they just want more protection and security and who can blame them. These are essential people of course, but I'm hearing more stories and see more articles on the news about the other essentials the fieldworkers, the employees at grocery stores and other stores. The folks that typically have done the grunt work of the American pie.

So the medicals are definitely essential as are law enforcement and then you have this giant class of essentials that we really need to keep what's left this country churning. Public works folks (which I guess includes law enforcement) power people, water people all those kinds and then those that do the feeding fast food people, grocery store people, and perhaps as important as anyone the field people. The field people those back breaking jobs that only low-income and non-documented folks work that really keep us fed. Some is going to happen, something's got a happen all these people have inherent value and are ESSENTIAL! I hope we are not stupid as a class to turn our backs on these folks and their families. But I'm not going to hold my breath so far this pandemic has totally blown me away with questions I can't even begin to answer….

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