Thursday, March 26, 2020


under the

I've never really been ashamed of upbringing in the Orthodox LDS faith. That particular faith is all I have ever known and it's pretty tough growing up under that theology. Case in point food storage. If you ask me, food storage is a major tenants of the LDS faith. Right wrong or indifferent food storage has just always been there for me. We always had areally large pantry. Bottles upon bottles peaches, green beans tomatoes (lots of tomatoes)and all kinds of canned goods. We of course the at least the frozen beef in the freezer review no locker downtown, but we didn't do that rarely is just too far to go in the whole concept about preparedness is that you have access to backup when the systems fall. The LDS faithful like duty driven little antsjust kept their heads down and trudged on indulging in the caseload sales and working at the cannery is a Gentile neighbours and friends subtly rolled their eyes and frolicked out hunting fishing and assorted sports events like the happy grasshopper being taken care of by the virtuous ants. Even now in the back of my mind I almost feel like “I told you so” to nobody in particular and everybody general. There is literally nothing on many of the shelves at the grocery store. Just like THEY said would happen ! The prophecies are coming true! Who would've believed the collapse of the world would happen this way? A virus?

Things really haven't changed a whole lot in Utah, after all we are the Fountainhead of the oldest church. People continue to take food storage and food conservation and stride. This morning when I went to check the sharing shelf there was a bag of sesame seed hamburger buns nice and soft looking all delicious. I have no use for 12 buns so I let them be for someone else in the apartment complex. It's Thursday which means it's coffee social. My neighbor across the hall was with me when entered the room and she saw the hamburger buns. She had the idea that she didn't want that many buns either that she would freeze a portion for herself. We split the bag. I only wanted three or four buns but it ended up with about six so maybe I will follow her lead and use two or three future and freeze the rest.. I even considered (I still am actually) frying up a bunch of hamburger patties making hamburgers to freeze so that would just have to plot the sandwich after a long day of volunteering, reading or whatever microwave a hamburger sandwich dinner. I was so enthralled with this idea that I went across the street to the Fresh Market to buy one of those packs of superflat hamburger patties. Their fresh patties four to a package and they really make a good hamburger sandwich. Of course however I forgot we are in the end of times there were no hamburger patties made up. Supposedly, a new shipment was coming in that very hour or so but I couldn't stay. I had to get back to the apartments for Marketplace. I do have a little more compound hamburger frozen in one giant while in the freezer which I can thought out and make into deformed patties that only I could make (have never been able to make it delectable and). I could make a fairly good-sized portion sloppy Joe's increase the sloppy Joe mix the file with the frozen hamburger buns or even put the sloppy Joe on the buns then freeze them. That would not be too bad actually. Either way it would be a great meal or two and a great edge against the coming doom…

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