Thursday, March 12, 2020

50 Pieces Of Silver

Do you ever get that feeling that you are just an actor in a major movie production? That is the sensation I am feeling these last couple weeks as this flulike virus has gone from a pesky illness that many people have will full-blown pandemic! Universities are closing shutting down for the rest of the semester if not longer. The NBA the national basketball administration, or whatever, is actually counseled their games as has NCAA “March madness” as well as the LDS Gen. Conference!! In the last week I've watched “Breakout” and “12 Monkeys” both major motion pictures about pandemic illness. I have to admit I'm getting nervous.

This morning, Thursday morning, I even considered not going into the coffee klatch, that group of residents here at the facility that have coffee every Thursday morning and some discussion. I consider not going just because of the virus and its possible threat. We talked about the pandemic but somehow I could tell nobody really believed the virus will visit here at Plymouth view. As I've indicated earlier I've been thinking about the whole concept of traveling in a UTA bus and am I seriously putting myself at risk writing in the sealed tube with a number of folks many of which are low income many of which have poor options as far as medical care goes, which means to me, they might be major candidates for carrying the virus. With that in mind I called the Utah Developmental Disabilities Council (U DDC), the organization which hosts Next Chapter book club to see if management had considered or is considering shutting down the book club until this virus runs its course. It made sense to me not necessarily from the standpoint of the book club members spreading the virus as much as going to and from the event on public transportation as well as a public library possibly be in a harbinger of the virus. I can envision low-income families with parents who are working having to stow their children somewhere since the schools in many areas are closing down, what better place than the public library? Luckily, I have heard of no great schools closing yet. However, major universities in the town and state has shuttered their doors.

As I visited with Ricky, the office manager and really the unnamed boss of the organization, she indicated there would be no consolation of the book club. I should have just said “sorry I am not coming to book club until this thing passes”. I really should do so that but I didn't possibly because Ricky indicated that she was coming to book club today with check in hand for my presence at that the photo shoot a couple weeks ago. She would give me the check and have me sign for a release of information form. Money, filthy lucre, positive reinforcement and inducement for me to be at bookclub this afternoon. I could've just said “they'll drop by and morning signed the document pick up the check” but not me I'm way too stupid. I'm going to ride the bus and travel to the library to pickup my 50 pieces of silver.

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