Friday, March 27, 2020

I Tend To Wander

 It's kind of weird I wake up in the morning and think a brand new day! What great and wonderful things can I do today and then I remember I'm self quarantined, kind of. This virus is weird . I kind of don't know how to explain the feelings I'm experiencing, like trying to get used to somebody who's died. You know how weird it is when you've lost somebody specially like your parents or a best friend someone that you communicated with on a regular basis. I do this particularly now with my mom even though she's been dead down three or four years maybe longer. I suddenly think “you should talk to mom about that” And then suddenly I remember she is dead , dead and done .

Now, generalize this just about everything I do in a day's time. Many times when the first things I do after I wake this check one of the weather apps to see what kind of day ago I have and then realize that doesn't matter. I'm not really going anywhere. If I go anywhere I'm going to the market a fast and out and that's it. Even though I know the movies are closed, I find myself thinking “maybe I'll just take the bus up to 5400 S. and do a movie and then remember the movie houses are closed, all gathering areas are closed. And it's not like it's heartbreaking, or that the realization sends me into a funk of depression it doesn't it just jolts me back into what is happening ALL OVER THE WORLD! In fact I'm really quite happy all things considered. I have a friend in the Netherlands who was a art instructor at a community College and she is getting a little stir crazy. She just finished her first week of total online teaching and she's taken to putting together chairs for her new dinette set. This physical act of completion is keeping her sanity.

I feel a little guilty for not feeling more despondent with the situation I find myself in. I'm really pleased with being able to text and even video chat with anybody else who has the ability. Most everybody I know now has a cell phone or computer and we can communicate fairly well. I have a little bit more guilt and that social distancing is allowing me to ditch certain social functions with the excuse of “social distancing” prevented me from attending at least a person. This does not necessarily excuse me from attending over the Internet but so far Internet functions I've really attended virtually has been various volunteer board and committee responsibilities. The worst part is not getting the free lunch but think I've droned on about that before somewhere else. Yesterday was Assistive Technology Council for the state of Utah (one of the better lunches offered) there of course with no lunch but there was no travel, no need to dress up and the quicker meeting since there was less socializing and tends to happen at the regular meetings. One of things I've been pondering a lot the last couple of days has always seen this is the new normal. Rather than pull people from all over the state in for an A T Council meeting just have people dialing into Zoom and be done with the mess of face-to-face meetings, travel and lost time for all the above. I think yesterday's meeting went off fine. We scheduled next meeting for the last week in September which feels like an eternity away. We joked about whether or not we would need to reserve the regular room at the Bufmire Center everyone thinking in the back of their minds that the pandemic will not be over. Now all I have to do is convince the chairperson of the program to reimburse us if we buy our own lunch for the meetings…

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