Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wears The Beef ?

I used my new rice maker a couple nights ago. This was the second time I've used the rice maker and have been pleased with the overall simplicity of the machine. I of course have to plug it in and I have to plug it in every time I make rice I just cannot leave the machine plugged in then hit a button or flip a switch on the machine itself for it to make the rice. I guess I was too expensive. I sent for another machine as well a rice maker that works in the microwave. I wanted to have this option to use the microwave when I chose to. I suspicion that the plug-in rice maker might get relegated to a closet or cabinet. I still like the Electric rice maker I just think the microwave version might be better. We shall see the microwave rice maker should be here in a couple days.

So, I'm eating a lot of rice or I am going to be if I'm lucky.. I noticed with some surprise that I'm nearing the end of my rice. I have enough for another batch maybe two before I need to invest in more. I will hold off however till after the bank day which should be next week. It seems there's always a couple of bags of rice that end up on the sharing shelf. The only problem with sharing shelf rice is that the rice tends to be quite rice and I like white rice but I think I like brown rice better and I think brown rice is better for me. So I may head over to the Indian store and see if they happened to have any bags, larger bags of brown rice. I have not noticed any one I've been there but that does not mean they do not carry such grain. So I'll pick up a small bag from the market until I can find a larger bag. That will be my next test of the rice cookers will be how well they do cooking brown rice. Cooking brown rice in the machines is a slightly different process actually the process of the same cooking the rice just takes longer.

The preceding discussion was basically to lay down the foundation for what I really want to write about which was canned beef. Since I do not get a food box like the other folks here at the complex I miss out on some of the things which I think are fairly valuable valuable least these items are valuable to me. If the people do not want whatever the item is it winds up usually on the sharing shelf.I have noticed a number of times they were larger sized cans of beef in the boxes. Lucky for me couple weeks ago are the last food box drop a couple cans of beef landed on the sharing shelf and I grabbed them. I kind of want the horde the cans (this is something I tend to do and I've told all the stuff for decades which I think is not a very wise thing to do”) so yesterday I decided I would use one of these cans, in the sense sacrifice it to see what the meat was like. I have a whole pot of rice made which had stored the night before the refrigerator and I would fry up some vegetables with the beef and then adds rice this I did and was most pleased at the outcome. The beef of ccourse was cooked however, the beef did not look as anticipated. The beef had the quality of beef and found in cans of Dinty Moore stew and I really like that beef. So I really like the beef in this Can. You can indicates that besides the beef the user also has access to “juices”. I was really hoping I could use the juices to make some broth or gravy with four Asian food. I didn't do it the night I made beef and rice stirfry but I think the juices would work f. The only drawback is that there is a lot of fat with the juices space and I would have to separate the liquid from the fat which would be easily done. I had processed up some onions I had laying around with garlic and some ginger. I also had a few pieces of broccoli and carrots . I am pleased with the way the whole thing turned out. It made a fairly large bag which I like to have in the fridge to use for easy lunches and dinners. I'm going to hold off until the new machine arrives I think before I make another batchim. Now, I'm really hoping I'm getting a couple more cans of this beef. Where's the beef? That's what I want to know.

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