Saturday, November 04, 2017

Swifter than Me

I was back at Walmart today. I was out searching for a Swifter “The all-in-one wonderful mop”, that's what it says on the box. I've been meaning to pick a swifter good up For the past two weeks ever since my cleaning person, Cindy, was last here. Cindy was disgusted with my mop. I thought my mop was okay, A little tattered and torn but basically okay. I was apparently wrong. Actually Cindy volunteered to pick up the Swifter but like a dummy I said I would do it. Each time I went to the market I totally spaced picking up the world's best mop. Today started off with the sole goal of picking up the cleaning device.

I cannot remember the name of the device that Cindy wanted me to pick up. I figured once I got to the cleaning department at Walmart the device would just jump out at me. I sort of had an idea. A device that had a squirter on the end with a broad square Cloth appendage for mopping up the squirted soap and dirt. When I got to the brooms and mops There is only one device that looks like what Cindy requested but didn't seem like the right thing. Luckily I had my cell with me and I took a picture and send it to Cindy who immediately sent back Responded that this was not a Swifter. I was a lost. Then I noticed a little further down the row in an area that had nothing to do with mops and brooms, A device that looks like device that Cindy had told me about. As I got closer I saw the name Swifter the top. Of course the Swifter was on the very top shelf! Luckily Saturday is the main shopping day in Taylorsville and there's lots of folks in the entire. I Commandeered one and asked that he retrieve the Swifter. The gentleman was with his wife Whose eyes burst in the sparkles as she saw what I wanted and said that someone was very lucky to be getting a brand-new Swifter.I took an image And texted the image over to Cindy who sent me back an immediate thumbs-up… I had done good. For split-second I wish I was doing this for Dianne or any wife.

I think I looked pretty goofy one around the Walmart cradling my Swifter Like a trophy. I didn't have a basket or anything as I picked up a few other things I thought I needed. A roast, a bag of walnuts, a couple boxes of theater candy(Theater candy is so much cheaper at the market than at the theater) and a tub of mashed potatoes – – have really been getting this mashed potatoes in the tub. I know I can buy a bag of potatoes mashed my own for what one tub costs . I look pathetic trying to balance all this on my lap while my leg Began to spasm. It was definitely time to go.

The checkout lady was wonderful. I did not think she can do it but she got all the groceries in the one bag and hung it off the back Leaving me to cradle my new swifter all the way home on the bus. I was lucky I made it home before the rain.

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