Wednesday, November 01, 2017


Today I'm feeling pretty drug-out. I seem to be going through a phase where only gave a few hours sleep at night. I got to the cycle number of times now and know that I just have to work through the cycle and sooner than later I'll be sleeping through the night . Last night I struggled with getting to sleep.. I stayed up later than usual in hopes that my sleep time would be swift and long-lasting but last night. I tossed and turned and at times I even thrashed. I tried not to look at the illuminated clock but the time just crawled. The last time I clearly remember the clock seven 3:15 AM. I woke at 5:15 AM two hours! How was I going to make it through the day with just two hours of sleep..

The two hours had been good sleep deep and rich. In fact I was the middle of a dream. I'm trying to remember the dream but it was a perfect dream. Something worked in the dream. I was enlightened something that would make the difference. I just did not know exactly what the Enlightenment was. I was conflicted because I wanted to tumble back to sleep to see if I can get a few more minutes maybe hours before my staff was due to arrive at 8 o'clock. If I could get just a couple more hours of this deep sensuously I know then I would be all right. But, I knew more sleep was not coming. Even though I tossed and turned two hours and then slept two hours I would soon feel the slight pinch of urgency that my bladder produces when full. Even if I still had 50 100 CC's to its maximum I would begin to work and never get back to sleep.

The dream is a recurring dream I have a couple nights a month. I know something that will make all the difference in my life and everybody else's life if I can just retain the knowledge. However once I wake the details of the dream began to dissipate like tendrils of smoke. I'm left holding the emptiness. I knew if I kept pencil and paper next to my bed that there would be no way I'll be able to write the dreams substance. The best I would be able to do with being too rollover grab my cell phone and try to dictate the stuff of the dream. Again, the minute that I did this I know that the focus would throw me completely from the dream state meaning that I would be blocked from going back to sleep but perhaps if I could hold on to the dream the knowledge of the worth the slumbers sacrifice.

What I would give to be able to be like most people who could, in the middle of the day, lay down and fall into a beautiful map. Even if I could would still have to wrestle myself up again at the end which is very difficult for me when clothed transfer to my chair. But perhaps I should work on this maybe it would be worthwhile to grab back minutes if not hours of sleep during the day. I'm halfway through the day, I have reclined my chair numerous times In an effort to capture a few moments Of renegade Sleep,, maybe I will keep some coffee which I hope might perk me up For the rest of my day in hopes of a better night.

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