Monday, November 27, 2017

Warm Before The Storm

The clouds moved in overnight, just like the weather guys said the clouds would, not that I did not believe them, I'm just always amazed when the weather guys get something right. I looked out the window and it looked like the kind of day I should just stay inside and do inside things. However, that ran out to be dumpster I was surprised how warm weather was. The little flasher the corporate my cell phone said 64 °! I just have to take advantage of the good weather so I got my dear together, check see what the next bus is going to be my busstop and headed out. I did not need to go far today just to the bank on the campus of the community college two blocks down as well as to continue my quest to audit and art class any kind of art class. It seems that make a few steps each time I renew my quest. I have yet to get to the end of my quest of birth in a Introduction to Drawing or Basic Drawing up any kind of drawing class back in sit in and learn to become a better artist.

I've spent a good part of the day Sunday going through the Salt Lake community college online class schedules looking for a class as well as an instructor I can talk into letting me take the class as an audit. That's what I'll be up last year at this time was not having permission to sit in on a class. I almost made it but I had to wait to see if others dropped out of the class to make room for me. I'm sure I'm going to have to deal with something like that this semester as well but I'm willing to give it another shot. I found the building where it seemed the classes were being taught the Technology Building or TB in the directory. It just makes sense to me that that is also where they would have the Art Department. If not and TB then some other building on campus.

By the time I finished getting counterattacks from my bank in the basement of the student union I just have to find the Technology Building. It's a big building was not hard to find, what was hard to find was any kind of information area. I looked for the art department is not to be found. I finally stopped into an unrelated class and asked a woman named Bethany (deduced from the nameplate) where. The art department was. She smiled at me and was very nice. I'm sure I reminded her of her grandparent. She searched and looked and finally looked up at me and smiled again and told me the Art Department was not on this campus but on South Salt Lake Community College campus some 30 blocks north and east of where I was at. Typical. I think Bethany who actually gave me an idea of contacting the professors or instructors I was interested in and then asking them via email for the permissions. Great idea. Bethany took 10 minutes and compiled a list of potential instructors I can contact. Then Bethany mailed these to my email account In the next day or two I will look these over and try to make requests.

I imagine another pretty weird. I had my heavy study draped around my shoulders, I was a black watch And then I had a backpack on my lap. I'm certain everyone thought I was a homeless guy just hanging around the campus. But I still felt their energy, the energy of youth and felt fine on a windy November morning which I turned from warm and windy to cold and wet.

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