Monday, August 27, 2018

A Millennium Away

It's not like there is a time that I don't like my apartment but I must admit I was getting a little depressed at the state of my living unit. For one reason or another my cleaning person has not been able to get to my apartment and clean. This of course to me is a two edged sword. I enjoyed the fact that no money is leaving my bank account but the cost (excuse the pun) is my living environment sinking further and further in squalor. Well maybe not squalor but there is definitely something going on in my head about all particular matter that seems to have been gathering in all the nooks and crannies of my apartment. I have tried, I think, heroically so to keep the apartment up but sadly I have not done a very good job and I can't figure out why that is. Maybe because I think it to the vacuum but it's very difficult so I don't vacuum like I should. Or maybe I can blame it on the low hanging cabinets which makes me sort of put everything on the front of the cabinets which just leads to mass. Same with the table is much as I try to keep it clean it seems everything winds up on the table one way or the other. I noticed Cindy, who is my cleaning person, actually physically moved everything off the table to wash it down. That is something I would have a very difficult time doing, actually I would not move everything off the table to wash the table top. Then there are the books that are just freestanding on top of each other because there is not enough bookshelf area. There is a mess in my section of the apartment that I kind of the devote to drawing. As I have increased the time I spent sketching, doodling in trying to make art that section is taken quite a bit. Little things these are all kind of little things that in their totality seems to show itself is chaos in my mind and I just cannot get on top of it.

Cindy has some health issues and she had some family issues with actually quite the last time she cleaned my unit about six weeks ago. I tried to keep her cleaning visits to two hours every 3 to 4 weeks. Normally, with my minimal input of keeping the chaos at bay I keep my apartment acceptable at least to me. Normally when Cindy does come she can do a good job in two hours but because the department was out of control we went to one half hours and got just a topical cleaning accomplished. Utility floors (bathroom and kitchen) floor washed, the rest of the apartment vacuumed, range top washed counters cleaned and dishwasher filled and started. That was all she could do on this visit and there's still more that needs to be done. So I will continue to keep things at bay until she can return for another two hours the third week of September. Is it just me or does that seem like a millennium away.

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