Sunday, August 05, 2018

My Own Jurassic Park

(Can you see it? That head sticking out from the tree? You have the usual imagination but it's there I can see it plain as day.)

Do you do cloud watching? That great pass time especially in the summer on a day when there are huge by Cumulus Nimbus clouds filling the sky teasing and empty as possible later storms with thunder and lightning one of my favorite summer treats. My imagination runs wild as I look at the huge white puffs decorating the blue summer sky. I see dogs and ducks, birds and faces and even un-nameable body parts. I see cars, trains, huge castles and just about anything my overworking imagination can come up with.

This summer for the first time I noticed a dinosaur lurking in the trees in the park next to my apartment complex. Sometimes, I like to, with the door to my patio open, tilt back in my chair and just watch what is going on that I can see outside my front room window. Of course I can always see the heads disappearing and reappearing skaters use the skateboard pit the County has made in our little Taylorsville park. I'm amazed at the tenacity the kids have exhibited utilizing this concrete spinal injury waiting to happen. Earlier this summer I first noticed the great beast poised to wreak havoc On the inhabitants of the park some sunny afternoon.

I think I had just watched a video or maybe some silly commercial about the size of a brontosaurus or other large prehistoric reptile. It was then I realized, as I gazed out at the tree line of the park, many of these trees, the adult trees, probably the height some of these dinosaurs. So if dinosaurs were in my park there has would pop up out of the trees possibly. That is when I saw his/her big green head gazing eastward towards the morning sun. I was mesmerized as I watched the brand animate the leafy head. I felt I was on the set of one of the Jurassic Park features. For the first time it was easy for me to imagine what the dinosaurs must have looked like. On that I stared at that scene for at least 20 minutes before I finally shook my head in consciousness back to reality. It was just a tree and then when one looks closely the tree didn't look like a dinosaur at all it was just my overactive imagination. But you know what? I love my overactive imagination I wish there was more of it that I can harness and use to my advantage. But I'll take what I am given and not complain about what I could do with more if given more. Whether big green leafy brutes or huge white roiling masses of white moisture Just waiting for the right moment to rain down on my parade.

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