Thursday, August 16, 2018

New Beinings

I'm going to try something I don't how successful will be but many give it a shot just same. I've been thinking when I first started this blog I was working with the state of Utah. One of the reasons I blog was because I ran a call room, granted is a very small call we ran into phones and that was it and because we were a state agency we did not turn phones on until 8 o'clock of course. However, I got to work at seven and worked till 530 p.m., 10 hours. So, one of the ways productively use my time on state time was to write and that's what I wrote I began writing my blog.

I strongly believe that a lot of my best writing takes place in the morning, early morning. I don't know if you've noticed that many times my blog postings feel forced like posting in the blog was something I had to do– –and in fact it was something I was forcing myself to do and I still do not want to get awayfrom that compulsion. So why not? Write while I'm fresh… Like I said it's worth a shot.

So Thursday morning I've done my bit at the coffee social that's out of the way down just killing time before my meeting with “my other family”. Yes, I'm going through the meeting. Carla who is the wife of my older “brother” is arranged the meeting. I contacted her on Monday or maybe Sunday to suggest that I was ready for a meeting and she had a lunch set up for today at 1130 at the Village Inn, just down the street. I don't know what to expect I guess I'm a little defensive but I guess that should be expected right?, Seems like a great person and she looks to be a great person. I really do appreciate her put together this effort. I just doubt, I would be doing this without her or Michelle that matter. Shelley being the big push to get this started. I still need to get a hold of and submit the rest of my fluids to be ch
ecked out. I don't know how anything can be more significant than this meeting and connection. For what it's worth this feels right even if it made cause some bumps along the way.

Speaking of bumps. I really Have not run this past my family – – whom I still consider my real family– –yet, but I have to but I'll be a bit interested in their reactions if there are any reactions at all. I'll probably have more reaction from my friends and associates who I hava labored this point of my origin over the years. I thought about bouncing this on my aunt Elaine, my mother sister, who I think knew more about my origin then she sat on over the years. Now, however maybe I'll have more the story.

I plan to play this low-key. Like trying on shoes. You put them on, wiggle your toes and walk around for a while in those shoes and see what the comfort level is. If it's too painful to take them off or if you really need the shoes walk around until you break that she was in and then enjoy the comfort. But for now I'm just going to the shoe store to see what's available. I like shopping shopping is always fun.

What a wonderful launch. A great meeting...more to come.We had a wonderfully long lunch that village in.

My elder brother Antonio and his life Carla at the village Inn this afternoon. Wow!!!

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