Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Clean? What Clean?

I was really hoping to be setting in a clean apartment tonight – – actually yesterday but still the day after the cleaning lady does her thing the apartment still sparkles and I love that sparkle. In some ways, like pizza the day after waking up after “the cleaning” the event just gets better. Opened my eyes and everything is in place even the close out on up on Sunday look better because Cindy goes through shakes all the hangers just right and spaces the hung clothes just right. I have Cindy change my sheets. But I went up the day after her visit the bed is still fresh even after I slept all night. The sheets are still crisp and tight. I literally fallen by chair turnaround and make my bed just because I want to keep the bloom on the melon.

I have really tried hard since the last time Cindy cleaned to keep the place a little spruced up. Even with the fact that Cindy sort of got stranded back east doing family support for three weeks. Still there are things Cindy does that just makes the difference. She's got strength of arm that there's a great job one thing in the top of the range and reaching to the back counter tops these are just little things I cannot do or do not do readily that she does in a whisk.

I'm still kind of new to this whole person coming to clean my apartment thing. I ordered two hours of time which is about 40 bucks which I've heard is a deal and I should not complain. I believe it is money well spent if nothing else for my mental health. I apologize, I almost sure I have written about this in a previous post. Let me have my senior moment(That last sentence sounds like a great line for all part of the uniform somewhere don't you think?). And the two hours she is here she manages to mop the kitchen area and the bathroom area which of course, includes sweeping. Cindy restores order to my table and my countertops. She always does a load of dishes even though I have gone through a little effort to watch them – – she says the dishwasher sterilizes the dishes. I don't argue mother knows best. Cindy attempts of fast organization of my writing area but is quickly defeated indicating that would take at least another hour and maybe someday I will. Cindy is like Samantha on bewitched the bathroom though I've never seen her do it I feel she twitches her nose and everything goes to its own place and the shower glistens, the toilet glows and the room reeks with the faint odor of Clorox.

Yes, these are all treats I experience on the day of and day after Cindy cleaner visits my apartment. But sadly that is not happened as yet. I got a call yesterday asking if it would be possible for her to postpone the visit tell next week. Oddly enough I had just pulled her name up on my cell phone to call to advise her that I was not feeling well, I felt I almost had a sore throat and I didn't want to infect her if I was coming down something. I did not tell her child also trying to get closer to payday just to make I knew what I was/will be working with the last week of the month. So yesterday morning was a win-win. Cindy got to be sick, I got to be almost sick and hang on to 40 bucks another week. I dosed up with vitamin C, ate two grapefruit and today feel much better.

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my new/old family. I'm pretty excited, I doubt I will losing sleep but still this is going to be interesting.okay

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