Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday Whine

105.1 kg!

right another kilogram! Actually 5/10 of a gram whatever that works out to be. Whatever the issue I'm gaining weight! I do not want to gain weight I want to lose weight. My home health person just shrugged and said “write it down. That's the only way you're going to be able to lose weight.” She went on to say that she was in the bill of major concentration weight loss anticipating the upcoming Thanksgiving eating frenzy. I don't have that luxury. I'm way beyond the comfort limit, in fact Dana indicated that doing up my pants this morning was a bigger challenge than usual inferring my weight gain. How is really hoping the vinegar of apples would make the difference but apparently not. I could grasp an excuse of I have not been drinking 2 cups of the solution as I'm supposed to do. Probably just a scam anyway.

I look with some trepidation at the upcoming holiday. I doubt that I will be with any family group at least of my own. I've also been dragging my feet as far as requesting a Thanksgiving dinner from Salvation Army. This is a program I remember working the phones on when I was with 211. I never thought in 1 million years one would be for me. I'm probably too late anyway. There has been a sign-up sheet all week in the front of the complex to make sure that those who are assigned gets Turkey dinners. I think I signed up for it last year and was not all that impressed. Since I'm overweight as it is maybe I'll just blow off any Thanksgiving dinner/treats this year. For that matter, I should give up eating till the first of the year. I mean I really need to lose the weight as a health issue and being able to be independent.

Still no storms to speak of at least here in the West for everything seems to be burning up, still. New York got a storm today which made the news still trying to figure that one out. Yesterday, I heard a roaring noise outside my window. I could not figure it out at first but then it dawned on me it was maintenance and they were out actually blowing all the leaves which had fallen and curled up on the grass and driveway into a giant pile and marching them down the driveway to the end where there be sucked up by a leaf eating truck or I'm sure they'll be turned into mulch or something just as disgusting. It's all part of the change get on board it's happening and it's happening now.

My apartment continues to deconstruct one day at a time. I really need to put some clean on the kitchen. I was semi-validated today and Dana asked me if something had died in the kitchen! She said she could smell something decomposing somewhere. I'd smelled something to last couple days but couldn't find anything when I looked. There are some vegetables on the table but the been there all summer, potatoes particularly morphing into something almost attractive but I'm sure some are rotting nothing spells worse than rotting potatoes. I should do a major throw away with things on the sink. I keep washing them and using them but never putting them away. I almost went out today to purchase a slow cooker and after weighing myself I figured I don't need to be making more food and need to be making less. I really like the effect the beans I've made have on me except for I'm sure the constant eating of the beans are not productive to my weight alleys to what I want to look like. Now to end on a positive note note my butt feels better …

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