Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Senior Second's Terror

I don't know if I want to address this issue as a senior moment but it was some kind of a moment and it kind of freaked me out. I've been having some issues with my bank account and when I went to try to work it out over the phone last week it seems I had forgotten my “secret” word that would allow the bank representative to work with me over the phone. This was a security issue having nothing to do with my banking questions. Anyway, I hate passwords, I am always forgetting passwords, I don't think I am alone in this problem. What little I have heard on NPR and other kind of talk shows everybody is frustrated with forgetting passwords and being able to access their accounts. I was given the option, since I could not answer the security word, I can leave a call back request and someone from the bank would call me back and help me work the problems I've been having out or at least answer my questions. The only problem is that the bank would have up to three days to get back with me over the phone. Today was my toenail clipping day. I saddle up and head south on real good road all the way down to 90th South which is quite a ways down there. I know I will pass my bank and figure it would be worth my time stop by the branch on the way back and get my questions answered.

This is where gets kind of weird for me. It must have been a slow day when I entered the bank because one of the guys said that the desks waved me over when I came in even though there was a teller open. No problem I thought and cruised over to his desk. He is a great young man, and really went out of his way to address my questions. We finally concluded I was having to do some editing on my bank account and for some reason I was asked to verify my age. I was suddenly struck with an almost feeling of terror when it wasn't a matter of not knowing my age as much as it was not knowing the year I was living in right now! Luckily, this did not last long and I gave him my age but I wasn't really sure if it was the right age. Many times I do this trek subtracting my birthdate or birth year from the current year. Today I could not locate the current year, just briefly. I really couldn't securely say that it was 2019 are 2018! I I finally said 67, and thank goodness that was the right birthday. Am I losing it? I've been thinking a lot lately of the roaring 20s of the 19th century. And somehow I'm just amazed that in two years it will be the roaring 20s again acceptable be 2020. This threw me when he asked me the year because somehow I was thinking that the 20s would start next year. I was really relieved to find that I was one year less in age than I thought. This happens a lot to me around this time of the year. So I guess is nothing new, my confusion of age but still it kind of freaks me out. I've become a bit more hypervigilant regarding what I can remember and how well I can remember what I can remember. What little research I've done indicates that folks with significant head injury are candidates for Alzheimer's and other senior problems. That's all I would need on top of everything else but seriously, I think I would rather greet with open arms a good case of Alzheimer's/dementia when cancer. I don't even know if this makes any sense all I do know for a few seconds this morning I was really scared.

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