Saturday, November 10, 2018


Insomnia by Stephen King is a great read. I love the book I try to read it once a year usually in the summer. What I like about the volume is it's about an older guy like me, someone on their own just getting by but all of a sudden he is suffering insomnia. It's a good read, for any senior, I recommend highly the book Insomnia. Anyway, I woke this morning at about 2:30 AM and really I could not get back to sleep after that. You know how goes you just lay there in bed wishing desperately for that tsunami of sleep to wash over me and take me back to sleep well for a few more hours.

I wish I did something more productive with my time, laying there in bed devoutly wishing for sleep, I could be writing this blog, writing in general I still have my three letters to write that I write every month which I have not written because everybody was in town last week when I usually write. Equally as interesting/entertaining as I have one thought after another which really sounds good as I lay there in bed pondering these actions but I never translated into action once I wake. I'm afraid that if I even move around enough to get my writing device and dictate a few lines that that will be enough to truly wake me up and never let me get back to sleep. Today for instance I actually have the idea to blog on the concept of insomnia. I also thought about putting together a number of short stories into a possible book format on a particular area I've been interested in for some time which would be writing a number of experiences from kid days. Now I have written about kid days a little bit in this blog but not in the short story format and even shorter than short story. Possibly a short short story a little bit more than a haiku. I don't know how realistic this is by got thinking about it when we were having our own reenactment of kid day last week. There were a number of experiences just short of miraculous that happened on Kid Day. One of my buddies from my work days often said I should write down these experiences I always talk to him about at work. I know other acquaintances I've indicated the same. I've always been somewhat intimidated to begin this project for fear I would not have anything to say. I wondered as we experienced kid day last week what would be really fun, sort of, is to write the story then circulated to the other members of the family who experienced the event to get their take of what they felt as we were going through the experience. I've even wondered about just doing, like these blogs, 500 word treatises of the events and that may be build on what but the other individuals think.

I'm so pleased that I remember this, even now writing this makes you feel I can actually pulled it off. I don't know but it would be fun to get the kids input once I'd written my example, perhaps even better would be to get their input on what was going on. This would indeed be a long process but she might be fun but also possible Thanksgiving project if I ever see these people in one place.

Oddly enough, I won't say I was bowled over by a tsunami but I did get enough wave action to feel like I got a little more sleep. It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon as I write this and I feel okay I don't feel the undertow of not enough sleep.
Blog 111018—Saturday

Insomnia by Stephen King is a great read. I love the book I try to read it once a year usually in the summer. What I like about the volume is it's about an older guy like me, someone on their own just getting by but all of a sudden he is suffering insomnia. It's a good read, for any senior, I recommend highly the book Insomnia. Anyway, I woke this morning at about 2:30 AM and really I could not get back to sleep after that. You know how goes you just lay there in bed wishing desperately for that tsunami of sleep to wash over me and take me back to sleep well for a few more hours.

I wish I did something more productive with my time, laying there in bed devoutly wishing for sleep, I could be writing this blog, writing in general I still have my three letters to write that I write every month which I have not written because everybody was in town last week when I usually write. Equally as interesting/entertaining as I have one thought after another which really sounds good as I lay there in bed pondering these actions but I never translated into action once I wake. I'm afraid that if I even move around enough to get my writing device and dictate a few lines that that will be enough to truly wake me up and never let me get back to sleep. Today for instance I actually have the idea to blog on the concept of insomnia. I also thought about putting together a number of short stories into a possible book format on a particular area I've been interested in for some time which would be writing a number of experiences from kid days. Now I have written about kid days a little bit in this blog but not in the short story format and even shorter than short story. Possibly a short short story a little bit more than a haiku. I don't know how realistic this is by got thinking about it when we were having our own reenactment of kid day last week. There were a number of experiences just short of miraculous that happened on Kid Day. One of my buddies from my work days often said I should write down these experiences I always talk to him about at work. I know other acquaintances I've indicated the same. I've always been somewhat intimidated to begin this project for fear I would not have anything to say. I wondered as we experienced kid day last week what would be really fun, sort of, is to write the story then circulated to the other members of the family who experienced the event to get their take of what they felt as we were going through the experience. I've even wondered about just doing, like these blogs, 500 word treatises of the events and that may be build on what but the other individuals think.

I'm so pleased that I remember this, even now writing this makes you feel I can actually pulled it off. I don't know but it would be fun to get the kids input once I'd written my example, perhaps even better would be to get their input on what was going on. This would indeed be a long process but she might be fun but also possible Thanksgiving project if I ever see these people in one place.

Oddly enough, I won't say I was bowled over by a tsunami but I did get enough wave action to feel like I got a little more sleep. It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon as I write this and I feel okay I don't feel the undertow of not enough sleep.

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