Monday, November 19, 2018


If you go to YouTube and when she gets into the YouTube site search for “meadowlarkmark”. As the constant readers of this blog know Meadowlark was a name bestowed on me by my good friend Alan Kimball are “almost Al”. And I really like that moniker and of used it quite a bit for passwords, login names and anything that requires me to have a alter ego name of one sort or another plus when I use the name in public like at a group meeting, group function of some sort it's a great icebreaker which allows me to go into great stories related to the name. Anyway when you go into you to type that name in the search function you should get a link to about 40 some videos either produced by me or videos I've taken of interesting events I was at. I forget that I even have these videos. These videos are quite vintage anymore some of the more than 10 years old. I really like them because of the ability that gives me the search around scenes that bring me great peace. I'm particularly fond of videos that show the interior of the house on Murray Street. Videos of my room and videos of the dining room. Even pictures of my old office when I was employed by the state of Utah.

The other day I really can't remember what the reason was but I sent a copy of one of the videos to my niece who lives in another state. What surprised me/shocked me was that she reported when she clicked on the link she got the message that the video was no longer there. I think that's weird because I'm still showing the video on my YouTube account. I'm a little concerned because I've noticed the quality of the videos seem to be deteriorating. I don't know the science/chemistry or whatever happens to a video over time, on the Internet but Bums me out because I like the videos that I have up. I don't know if I have the tenacity to contact you to and find out what's going on. I don't know if I'm that worried about losing the ability to have people watch me perform air guitar in my computer room in the Murray house 10 or 15 years ago. I suppose I'm just vain enough I will actually do that and effort to perpetuate what little celebrity that I have.

I'm actually thinking of starting are developing new videos. I just think they're so many great old pieces of music from my youth that I just love to lip sync. I've sort of an interested in the whole concept of doing some podcasts. I did these you know before they are really called podcasts. When I interviewed different executive directors from the state of Utah. I sure wish I had been able to keep copies of the interviews I think there is almost 100 interviews by the time I got finished was really kind of fun. They're easy to do an executive directors are pretty big egos.

I'm going to tag a video to the top of this post hopefully you be taken to the video.

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