Monday, January 15, 2024


Cannot believe that I am actually rearranging my day so that I can watch a basketball game this afternoon / evening. That's right Utah Jazz we playing basketball tonight I don't really remember who they're playing against but I'm interested in watching the whole thing and not having to sweat having to do a posting this evening after the game or during the game. Interesting the way my interests are changing. It's a cold day this Martin Luther King Day, course it's a Federal holiday that means there's no mail and staff are not here and that's okay not a big deal to me but still it's a holiday so things are just a bit more slow. My Day begin somewhat challenging to say the least

I actually slept fairly well getting up or trying to get up at 6:00 a.m. after waking up at 5:00 a.m. and just sort of laying in bed watching the clock turn. I don't know how it happened I'm still trying to put this all together in my mind but as I finally decided to get up and make the turn on the bed to switch my legs over to the foot pad or foot box of the power chair something happened and I slipped a little bit and slid over between the chair and the bed and usually that's not a problem. What I think happened was that last night I failed to tip the foot box up as an angle that allows my feet to be trapped so they don't slide off. So what happened this morning as I tried to make the transfers I slid in between the crack of the chair in the bed and my feet couldn't get purchase on the foot box and I begin to slide down on the chair I tried to regulate the problem by actuating the the chair or the Box that tilts the bed up or down and that only sort of made the problem worse then on top of that I lost the control box completely which hardly ever happens. Now I have a number of sticks on my bed that I could have reached up and pulled the alarm box with that would have notified either the person on staff here the resident advisor or in worst case scenario to the local authorities usually the fire department I didn't want to do that for the reason that I don't want to have a number of visits for the fire department for fear of losing my Independence I'm being forced to long-term care. Anyway little bit by little bit I lost my sticks and I slept more and more between the bed and the chair at one time I tried to actuate the chair tilted it up hoping that my hip would catch the bed Rising but it didn't do any good it was just too much too much I would fall between it and eventually sliding down completely to hit the floor my leg was actually turned in a real precarious situation at first and finally I was able to get that squared away of course I tried to get to my cell phone and that didn't work at was plugged in and usually I can pull the cord in it will stay plugged in but it fell off and on the floor. Once I was on the floor I was able to reach one of my sticks and I was able to pull the cell phone over to me and I was able to call my home health person Melissa. It took a while to get a hold of her and I was on the floor for about an hour and a half I think. She eventually picked up the phone and came right over and got me up and got me going but I really have to confess that this is shaking me up a little bit and makes me want to be careful that I do a better job and maintaining my equipment for the transfers. I hope I'm not going to do a new phase of dependency that would be horrible. Still with the help of Melissa getting me totally off the floor back into my chair or whoever it might be it's still to everybody's favorite to keep me out of long-term care and into my own living scenarios. The images I have posted today are taken from me laying on the floor between the bed and the power chair… 

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