Friday, January 19, 2024

Looking Shifty


I was surprised last week when I realized I was short on quarters were awash when I realized that I was out of my stash of roles of quarters. Kind of pride myself on being ready for much as I can or the vacuum control. I don't think this is particularly a problem but maybe I have some issues with control problems. Anyway it was time to get to my banking facility to go roles. A couple of years ago I sort of got yelled at by the local market kept asking for quarters. They suggested I go to my bank or significance amounts of rters which took part in the brain trying to do that since.

Thank goodness the cold supercold weather has moved on and today temperatures got up in the 50s which may be an outside not Half—bad so you know I figured I would go out and get some bus time logged. I have too branches of my credit union went on the same street which the boss runs every 15 minutes for this way tell you quite a trip on transit you branch is around the corner actually and is serviced by a bus route that Runs every 30 minutes.. I really didn't mind the long bus trip so I went up town about 30 blocks. I guess I should also include the fact that I had my own person and on my new shoes today and I don't know how wise that was. My feet has been challenged pain all day which I'm telling myself is just par for the course For new shoes. I sure hope it does not take me long to break these things in the up side Is that my shoes and stay on my feet all day long. I really like my credit union. My Credit union is one of those upscale operations for everyone dresses down and looks cool wearing loafers, nice James and overall sparkles.Admittedly, this is not my regular branch, The branch I went to today. There was a little wait ,as I sat in line.. The wait was not too bad eventually the teller called me up and I told him what I needed. The teller looked at me strangely as if he was going to a difficult time fulfilling my request. 4 Roles of Quarters. I had already supplied my bank account number and Code word and a $50 bill which would my friends gave me for Christmas. Manuel, which was the name of the teller, informed me that the credit union really was a person more than 2 roles of Quarters (I felt things were getting really weird Really quickly . I assured this teller the other branches of never had a problem.. After this Small confrontations The teller did this weird operation on my $50 bill 1st folding the currency to different times and then holding the currency Up to the light looking for something that he actually took the currency and through a machine that I suppose much for counterfeit currencies. Eventually, I got my quarters and got. Shortly before the next busI just wanted to get home as quickly as I could before the Secret Service showed up inquiring about my $50 bill and how it gotIt…

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