Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Snow day

 Forecasters the last couple of days indicated the day would be a fairly light snow day and granted we don't have huge drifts of snow piling up but I have to report that significant amount of snow has fallen today. If there is a silver lining to there prophesying it might be that a warm front is supposed to come through later on today ushering in Rain instead of snow. If that's the case then perhaps a lot of the snow will evaporate as the warm rain melts it down and allows me to access sidewalks as well as bus systems in my neighborhood. If the snow was not bad enough it also seems that the local construction teams whether state city or county of woken up and are now busily tearing up segments of sidewalk all around my apartment complex making it almost impossible to get to some bus stops and in some cases the transit authority has closed the bus stops in this area. That just means I have to do some more focused searches for relatively close bus lines. This, of course, is doable but I have to confess that I might be getting a bit lazy and that I don't want to have to spend my time and body being exposed to cold and are wet weather just to have to travel a couple more blocks to get to a bus stop I shouldn't have to do that and I'm guess I'm saying that I won't. Not that local Transit Authority cares about my little monkey paw clenched fist raised in angst hanks against them. The real challenge will be for me as the city Cruise man there street cleaning machines, snow plows, and start going up and down the streets piling all the snow into the curb cuts as well as the markets and every place else that I have to go to. That's where the real challenge will be in because that snow pile will eventually turn to ice which will basically extend the inability to use sidewalks and then extension bus stops.

Snow day equals sign no

It's kind of weird but when I was watching the afternoon or the news at noon they reported breaking news that this evening's NBA game has been canceled/postponed due to the weather. Somehow this doesn't make a whole lot of sense since Monday's night game was accompanied by significant amount of snow and they went ahead and had the game anyway now they're canceling tonight's game theoretically because of snow. Cuz by tonight I think a lot of the snow is going to be gone. Public transit should be working just fine everything from the local bus routes to the light rail going back and forth I don't see why that would be an issue. Maybe it's a national thing maybe the airports are closed where they're originating from but I think they're coming in from Denver cuz I think it's the Denver Nuggets tonight This doesn't surprise me nothing does anymore. Maybe I'll have more time to enjoy my Steve King before tumbling off to sleep …

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