Monday, January 29, 2024

Moody Monday

Another night of fairly decent sleep this is great I can't believe how much one can appreciate a good night's sleep after a couple nights of just horrible sleep or attempts at sleep. My respiratory congestion seems to have completely vanished which is great. I'm feeling energized and excited to be awake and doing stuff. I spent the day pretty much working around the apartment. I did go over to the market to pick up a loaf of bread. I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed in case I wanted to put together a sandwich or something. Oddly I didn't use the bread once I got it however it's nice to have in the refrigerator. I had to do this once that I looked at the loaf of bread that I thought I was going to be able to use for breakfast this morning but it was basically going green quickly. I essentially had my concoction for breakfast and that was fine enough. Later on I had cheese and crackers for a mid-morning snack. I worked out on the arm bike for an hour got my workout in which I felt pretty good about listening to NPR and enjoying the morning. I did have a visitor early on which was Alan my wheelchair mechanic he had to come over and tighten up my left arm rest which was basically falling off and vexed me all weekend long. The armrest is in place again and the screws are in place that's tight I hope for a while. We're now just waiting to see if the insurance will pay for another armrest. I don't really need one I don't even think I really need one but it's nice to have something to put my arm on but I can get by without it if I have to. At least I know what to expect and not have to worry about losing the armrest again if it isn't replaced. My biggest hindrance then is just to make sure that all the screws are tightened or else I lose the arm again. Other than that I spend a good part of the day finishing up getting the kid letters printed and enveloped and stuffed with money for those who get it. I took a break in the afternoon or early evening to watch the Utah Jazz get beat I couldn't stand it finally and turned it off in the middle of the last quarter it was obvious that the Jazz had no chance. I guess you can give him a break since they're on the road and this is just one of the many games are going to play. The night they played in Brooklyn tomorrow they play in New York that sounds a little confusing that's what they said. Would be interested to see how they do tomorrow. The days are nice nicer than they should be. I called my contact at the private nonprofit and we will have a meeting tomorrow and I should be able to get in and out without incident I'm counting on it. So I'm looking forward to my trip into the city tomorrow and then enjoying the rest of the month now that the letters are written and sent out 

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