Sunday, January 14, 2024

Internet Magic

I was really ready to wake up to snow apocalypse this morning by the way that the weather guys have been talking all week but fortunately when I got out and headed towards the restaurant it was a nice almost spring like morning. We need to come during the night and melted all the snow that I was somewhat intimidated by. It's all gone even though later in the day there was more snow it was too warm for it to really do anything significant which is good for me anyway. There's more snow of course called for by Tuesday and we're supposed to have a meeting on Tuesday but I don't think there's going to be much of it to be honest with you. It's okay we had lots of snow in the mountains which means that our water year I think will be okay if we get that far. I don't know what else is going to happen calamitous wise it's going to get super dry super hot. I guess I'm going to take the good and the bad it's all going to be here. I know that sounds dismal but it's just the way that it is more or less.

I was awake by 5:00 a.m. pretty much laid around the bed till almost 6:00 getting up about 5 minutes before the hour make sure I got shaved and then dressed and had everything ready to go by 7:30. Marc Anthony texted to let me know that he was running behind can I give him a half an hour of course I could so I worked on my puzzle book for a while took my medications and tried to increase my fluid intake for the morning before I took off to the restaurant. There were a couple of issues I was a little spooked by me. When the plows had gone through and pushed all the snow to the side of course they left it right in the driveways and if nobody had driven through the driveway the snow was still piled up there. There's a place I like to cross the street midway between here and the restaurant which Cuts straight across the street I was afraid I was not going to make it because while the snow the cloud pushed over to the side of the driveway and nobody had come during the night to pound down that ice but I plowed through it pretty good I didn't want to try coming back though so I went the long way. It was just Mark and I this morning for breakfast. My granddaughter has started the Community College not far from my apartment complex and really got herself tired out this week between reading for class and work she opted not to come to breakfast. We missed her but I'm going to look to see if I can have lunch with her sometime during this coming week. But aside from my trip to the restaurant I came home and just pretty much hibernated the rest of the day. I did call a few people on the phone and on the texting phone on my laptop or tablet. But that's been about it I didn't watch one movie kind of and of course the news feeds in the regular time slots of four five and six local national news and that's been my Sunday. Not bad the weekend will stress and a few minutes with friends thanks to the magic of the internet 

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