Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jettison June

Sunday the last day of June, the summer feels like it's a third over even though it still is just beginning at least I'd like to believe that. The day was hot which of course I enjoyed. Breakfast with Mark and the kids was fine but it seemed like everyone was interested in getting on with the Sunday so we didn't really stick around a long time after breakfast and communicate. I thought about going to a movie but just couldn't see myself sitting through a movie today for some reason. I was right there it would have been easy I may have had to wait for a while but I just didn't feel up to a movie ended up going back to the apartment and reading for a good part of the day. Well I read part of the day that I watched a couple Captain America movies for some reason I was in a Captain America mood today. I ordered a package of zipperpulls, I came across yesterday on Amazon. 20 of them but seems like quite a bit they could hold me for quite a while. The only drawback is there only four inches which at the time seemed large enough and probably is I'll just have to attach one to some shorts and see how well they work. It was less than $6 and the fact that I ordered them yesterday kind of blows me away. I almost want to order this text size larger for 20 more. Actually, I spent the main part of the day trying to focus on not pooping until tomorrow. My home health person Melissa, I knew was going to be out camping today with her family and I just didn't want to test or temp fate and have to sit in my own poop for extended period of time. I'm sure I could get Mark Anthony to assist me if I needed to he has in the past but just is so damn awkward. It's late now bedtime and I made it through the day again not that I would have done anything differently, I don't think I just thought it was best to stay close to the apartment today hydrate and just focus.

Tomorrow is the 1st of July- June is done I really hate to say goodbye to the month I think it's become one of my favorite months of the year mainly because summer comes during that month and the weather really begins to warm up. Everything feels fresh my Tan Lines deepen and I really enjoy being outside. July 1st always have a special time for my family because of my Canadian mother. We didn't do a lot for dominion day which is similar to the 4th of July in the USA But Canada it's dominion day on the 1st. July is the middle of the summer sandwich. Between the 1st and the last month of the season you can get a lot done in July and enjoy a lot in July. Summer's not new at that point and you think you can get something done in Utah we have two holidays which are majors and all the time in between. Even even though the days or hours of daylight are beginning to lesson it's not really evident at this point during the month I think by the end of July I'm noticing that it's darker longer in the mornings and maybe even the evening darkness comes quicker it seems. I have to develop a July day page for my journal but I won't do that till tomorrow. Lots to do tomorrow pay the rent, figure out what's going on with a software company that I may or not be part of and just get on with doing July stuff for the month. I have a dentist appointment this week on the 3rd and hopefully by mouth won't be too messed up for the holiday it shouldn't be maybe I'll be able to enjoy some laughing gas ...

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Thank goodness the heat return today. It's almost 97° and it's 10:00 at night I don't know how accurate that is but it's close I just came in a few minutes ago and it's still pretty warm outside it would be one of those nights where, if you're a teenager, you could be out forever all night long doing whatever teenagers do after Dark. Or if it was like 50 some odd years ago I would be in the second hour of the Saturday night dance weather at the chapel or over at MIA Glen an outdoor recreation spot owned by our church that had a concrete base and was the place for Saturday night Dances all through the summer. It was a perfect place for a night like this. However as it is I'm here at the apartment complex it's gotten too dark to read outside and I've gotten too sleepy because I've got to get up early in the morning to take the bus over to the restaurant to meet the kids I plan to turn in a little bit earlier than usual.

I wis1h I could say I passed a much more productive day but I did not. I should have washed dishes cleaned up the kitchen slept the kitchen floor straightened out the kitchen table but I did not do any of that in I elected to go to a movie after I gotten dressed and decided not to go to the coffee shop because my coffee partner had something else to do today. So I got the bus went up to the theater house for 11:50 showing of a weird movie I don't even remember the name of something about silence. It was okay barely science fiction maybe science boredom to a certain degree. More forceful aggressive from outer space who somehow focused it on the noise of the beings of this planet. Like I said the movie didn't really make a much sense didn't explain itself at all but I was able to put it in my quiver of experiences for the weekend that I can pull out if I need to defend myself as far as being a social Beast. If I need a justification I would have said that my butt hurt and I needed to be able to recline in my chair and to do so over at extended period of time a movie was the perfect solution. I don't know how much water that holds but allowed me to justify my time at the theaters today. I bought one small bag of popcorn for 10 bucks and forgot any water or juice or soda. I actually called Diane to check in to see if she was okay to make sure she was all right. It's extremely hot in Arizona this time of year but she's getting along okay. It's a dry heat and that actually helps her a lot I think well she does seem to be having lots of hay fever symptoms or allergies. For dinner tonight I had the leftovers from the restaurant of Chinese yesterday. I chose not to heat it up and pretty much ate the rest of the chow mein and save the fried rice for tomorrow if I feel I need to eat tomorrow following a breakfast which will be no doubt large there at the restaurant

Friday, June 28, 2024

Chinese please- - no haircut today

I almost thought I didn't do anything today with the exception of going across the street to see if I can get my haircut but I think I waited too long when I got to the little Barbershop I was informed that my barber is out on vacation for a week! I was so disappointed I wanted to drown my pain and food of course. It was fairly close to lunch time in fact it was a little after lunch and I decided I'd go all the way down to this little Chinese joint not far from my apartment complex. In fact as far as I am concerned it's the only real Chinese joint left in the Salt Lake area at least that I've been able to find. This place is called “Mings”. A cute little Chinese restaurant throwback to yesteryear. I think one family runs the joint there's this little old lady that I've seen work there about the only one that I've ever seen work there. There's somebody in the back of course in the kitchen cuz you can always hear clang clang clang and food being prepared. I'm sure it's some older guy probably the husband in a T-shirt and a white cap sweating putting together the meals. I don't know how long this place has been there I haven't researched it that much but it's been a long while. I've always been kind of concerned about the place because I haven't seen a lot of business go in there and was quite frustrated during the pandemic because they were pretty well closed up. I think they survived because they did take out that didn't help me much. I was really glad when they opened back up for sit down eating dinners or lunches.

I got chow mein with Crispy noodles and fried rice, I actually wanted steamed rice but communication is not these guys best strong point. I of course made a terrible mess as I usually do when I eat especially in restaurants. Chinese food in particular since there's so much rice involved that goes everywhere it seems like. I think I really would have liked to have ordered egg foo young but every time I do I'm somewhat disappointed so I just settled with chow mein, beef chow mein. It was pretty good and the serving size was large enough that I ate half and saved the rest for dinner or for sometime a meal at home. Of course the noodles will be limp and everything will be cold but that's quite all right it's half the fun of Chinese food is that you always stay at home. That's quite impressed that while I was there a number of people came in to dine quite amazing to me. Finally when it was time to go I ordered the take-home container which nowadays is the ubiquitous styrofoam box that folds over and snapshot kind of. I made some efforts to trying to scrape my plate into the box but the little lady saw that I was in somewhat of a precarious situation with limited hand function and she helped me scrape the remaining chow mein and rice into the styrofoam box. I always am concerned when I have to take food home from this joint because of variably the gravy goes all over me but luckily what little gravy was with the chow mein it gotten absorbed by the rice and even though the box was somewhat crushed by the time it got home- - because it was all my lap and my backpack was on top of it- - everything seemed to be okay. I stashed it in the refrigerator in hopes of having a nice little meal this weekend.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Coffee socialization

It's Coffee Day or coffee social and I was determined that we would have better treats for coffee today than last week. I was more than willing last week to go over to the market and pick up some cookies or sweets of some sort but nobody could get it together enough to feel there is a need to always thinking someone else is going to bring the treats. The treats last week ended up being a warm banana bread that was so rushed that the inside of it was still more or less Raw. I liked it just because I like banana bread regardless I mean I'd eat banana bread dough as far as that went. But today I didn't want to have any problems with treats so after getting up and dressed I headed out to the market early. I had to do this to be back by 9:30 for the start of the coffee social. I wasn't sure what to get but I cruised the store anyway eventually found my way to the back of the store where they keep the basket of quick sale products and most of us Bakery stuff. I got some pastries and called it good so less than five bucks so no big deal.

Today's social was lightly attended luckily there was a few other treats brought in besides my day old Bakery reject. There's just a few of us like I said maybe six altogether. Cordial conversations in general camaraderie prevailed. It was a good experience but I was glad when it was done. I really didn't have a whole lot going on today so it didn't really matter but still I was ready to be out of there when we figured there's nothing else to talk about. I wandered back to the apartment and pretty much worked on my kid letters for the rest of the day finally got them all done by about 9:30 tonight and took them down to the mailbox to be picked up in the morning. No I'm just hoping that the letters will get to the kids before the 4th of July since they're all pretty much 4th of July wishes. I spent the evening hanging around the TV watching a little bit of quantomania and then or before watching the presidential debate for as long as I could stand it it really was pathetic it really was just a pathetic shouting match not even shouting just bad talking to each other. And Biden's defense he tried to keep it civilized I think but Trump was just so outlandish I couldn't believe it. I could not believe the things that came out of that person's mouth. He's so mean and virtualic I don't see how anyone could vote for this person yet at the same time I have a strong suspicion that he will be elected come the day after election day. As you can no doubt till I'm pretty tired tonight and I'm just at 500 Words so I think I'll call it good and hopefully have something better to write about tomorrow and two old guys babbling it out on National Television

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Busy busy

 It was a fairly productive day today. I did not Venture further than the market that was far enough actually. I didn't sleep that well through the night but again made it through the day better than I anticipated that I would. On top of that I was pleased that Melissa was earlier than usual almost at 8:00 that was quite a surprise I was basically ready for her to come when she walked through the door there are a few things I had set up yet in the bathroom but all in all I was okay. There are other issues but not worth going into here. I did get the clothes washed again thanks to the assistance of Melissa throwing the clothes in the washer and then into the dryer before she left leaving me only to fetch the clothes and bring them back to the apartment and fold them and hang them up that all works out.

The other day when I was at the hospital remember I think I brought it up in one of the texts so one of the blogs about the problems I have with individually sized tomato packages tomato sauce or ketchup packages and mustard packages and any of those individual packages that are small and difficult to get into. I noticed this was true for even people who were basically able-bodied I can tell that they were grieved at having to open up the small packages of ketchup for their eggs or whatever they were having the need for ketchup for. The syrians are so small it takes a ton of them to make enough tomato ketchup to make a difference either on a hamburger or develop a pile of tomatoes ketchup to dunk french fries in. I forget about this from time to time and then when I am faced with it again I figure why don't I do something about this and then I forget it immediately after that event well today is different. One of the things I swore I was going to do following the breakfast the other day at the doctor's appointment at IHC cafeteria was I going to start to carrying scissors or some kind of device for cutting open the packages. I got this idea from the scissors I ended up taking to bed with me and putting them on the bedside stand that I could use to open up the envelopes of slick I used to put on the catheters that I use to shove up my penis the pee during the night. It's a little awkward but seems to work okay. So after Melissa left and I had some breakfast and such I went over to the market and then to the dollar store. I found a package of kids scissors that are small and would ride very well inside my packet backpack or whatever it is. I don't know the quality of cut they'll do but I'll see you soon. I actually got a two scissor set I don't know if I want to carry both pair with me or just the one then have one backup. I know this is minor in the world of things but if it just saves a little of the consternation I get when trying to press enough mustard to make a hot dog enjoyable it will be worth it. I had thought about taking a little bottle of ketchup with me but I just don't have enough room in the little thing that I used to carry my stuff. I may have to go back to a large backpack at some point. All in all it was a very good day

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sun fun and weird dreams

 I seem to be having this reoccurring dream, it's not really a dream as much as it's a Feeling, I'm barely awake and I'm usually worried about how early it is and not how it's going to affect me the following morning as I try to do things. I seem to wander in and out of sleep during this period of time and it's usually around 4:00 a.m. and I just worry that everything's not going to work out but everything always does once I wake up and feeling leaves I go through the day and I'm not necessarily super tired though I do go through periods of tiredness. I make it through the day pretty much okay. I'm sure I'm not getting enough sleep but I'm doing okay now.

 Today I met with my internist and it was a follow-up so there was nothing wrong with me and the blood in my stools cleared up so I think I'm okay. We're going to watch it and see what happens, my dogs are resident, and so she's going to be gone the next time I show up so we start all over again. She asked if I was taking my black iron pills and I kind of lied and said I was, well I was till I tipped over the bottle and took me a while to pick him up but I did and I've never got back to taking them fairly regular again. Hopefully it won't be an issue the next time I get my blood drawn. I'm feeling pretty good I guess I should be going to these appointments more open-minded but I'm feeling pretty good and as long as we don't have to do anything stranger weird I'm okay. I'm a little guarded however just because I keep seeing all these people getting sick you know with cancer and everything all about my age and I don't seem to be getting any of those kind of symptoms or issues which is a blessing I understand but still something's going to have to happen sooner or later. I'm so thankful for every morning when I wake up but I can still move my arms and my legs to some degree- - oh yeah don't let me forget perhaps the most productive thing about the meeting with the doc today was that she was going to put in some more requests for physical Therapy type stuff- - so I can still move fairly good can get in and out of bed on my own dress myself enough to go to an appointment. Again interestingly I have the doc look at my big toes and afterthought and she said my blister looked okay it wasn't infected but I should probably keep it out of my shoe for a while that's good enough for me. I have an appointment for 3 months last of late September early October type stuff. That should take care of me till the first of the year hopefully. My goal today is to get one letter written. Yesterday I was able to get the envelopes printed so tomorrow I need to run over to the market get some $10 bills and some stamps so I can get the kids stuff mailed out by the end of the week. Granted, the days are hot but that's exactly what I like now hopefully tomorrow along with the heat this possible thunderstorms forecast. Right now that would be really great but I need to be careful what I wish for cuz could be the start of some weird weather phenomenon happening that's happening to the rest of the country- - doodle climate warming/ global warming we can get really scary really quickly..

Monday, June 24, 2024

Hot days and hot ways

This morning when I checked out the early morning news I was pleased to find out that the problem with the internet had been corrected over the night and I could get back on the television stations that I wanted as well as everything else that I use the internet for. Once Melissa had left I was pleased to see her magic on the watermelon. She didn't really do as I would have done. I would have found the long containers with the plastic lids that would seal over the watermelon but she did chunk it out and put it in three different containers none of the lids which fit tight so I don't know how long they'll stay but the watermelon is not the best one anyway. I don't know if it's too early or whatever maybe I should just hold off until I can get to Murray on a Saturday morning and get some good old Green River melons. They really do have a better flavor much sweeter. However, it's nice to have a cut up watermelon in the refrigerator. It's a lot of things in the refrigerator right now I'll have to be careful with what else that I get. I've got to Sloppy Joes left I don't know what condition they're in but they look okay perhaps a little dried out and I've got watermelon to last before the rest of the week I'm sure as well as I finally got into the block of pasteurized/ cheese that I've had for a couple of years that I'm sure was something I'd taken from the food bank. The food bank always sends stacks of this new cheese, stacked like firewood nobody really takes it to eat. I did just to take the cheese and that's not half bad. I cut up a good half of it and have chunks cut out but I keep in the plastic bag that can eat with watermelon, crackers or whatever you might use real cheese for. I do have a small thing of extra cheddar cheese which I'm so excited to get into eventually.

 I had a 140 appointment over at the hospital with Dr Patrick Hewitt the urologist. This was actually made a year ago it's kind of a follow-up appointment didn't last very long just a few minutes because I was nothing presenting with me except to follow up until I was doing fine so I was in and out once I got to the appointment phase. I had to wait a while once I got to the office. I checked in about a half an hour before my schedule appointment and they got me in about a half an hour early as well so that was great ended up having lunch at the hospital they're really great hot dog I would have been had I been able to get into the ketchup and mustard packages that's all they have- - they don't have mustard you can get into as well as catch up like in bottles that you just squeeze onto your food. I've got to start taking a pair of scissors with me when I go out to eat cuz so many things use these self-contained small containers of liquid especially ketchup and mustard and that's two things I really like when I eat out. We'll see how committed I am to this project. The apartment is cold this evening, literally chilly, from the good works of Marc Anthony last night when he came over to try to fix the TV. He set the thermostat so theoretically it'll come on and go off at certain times it's getting pretty late it hasn't gone off yet but the apartments are good chili at least 75°. Almost to the point of uncomfortable. But I think we'll work it out. I'm tired this evening I didn't get up that early I didn't think I think it's just accumulation of nights a little sleep but I'm doing okay. The doc thinks I'm doing okay I've got another appointment set up now for a year for today at 1:40 in the afternoon I hope I'm around..     

Saturday, June 22, 2024

In watermelon sugar

I love watermelon and of course I love watermelon in the summer best of all. It's strange to be able to say that because in the old days that's the only time you got watermelon was in the summer and it was late summer cuz you had to wait for watermelons to come on. Now however with International farming or whatever just watermelons all year round kind of more expensive in the winter than the summer but still if one wanted to watermelon they could get it. I however wait till summer when you're supposed to have watermelon. Now the dedicated reader knows this and knows about the story of Ivan deskovski, my Dad's friend from work, who actually had a seller full of watermelons during the summer that somehow he kept almost ice cold. So I won't inflict that story on you again but this is the story of probably going Beyond friendship obligations or actually not friendship obligation but just apartment obligation.

Directly above me is a fellow named Steve, I think I've written about him before in the blog somewhere, he's in the apartment directly above me and he's a bit of a religious zealot but I like him just the same. I can only tolerate him a small amounts. If he would just lay off the Mormon Miracles and all that kind of shit. But anyway today I was out under the shade reading when I see Steven getting into his vehicle with a young man by his side- - turns out to be his grandson. When I inquired where they were headed they said Walmart, it's a Superstore with regular stuff as well as groceries. I don't know what got into me except I asked them if I gave them some money with the purchase a watermelon for me. I didn't need a watermelon not really. I mean I don't know how I'm going to eat a whole watermelon before it goes bad that's part of the problem. In one of the problems I do have is having difficulty carrying a whole watermelon home from wherever I purchase it whether it's over at Macy's or Walmart or whatever. I think the last watermelon I did purchase was from Walmart and I did get a home but it was quite a challenge so if somebody's actually in the vehicle and if they wouldn't mind purchasing it would be great. It kind of put them on the spot what are they going to say” no”. They really are a nice people and of course they said they would and of course I had remorse the second they took off thinking to myself who the hell was I? Demanding that they buy me a watermelon righteous or whatever? About an hour later I was sitting at my table doing a puzzle and I hear a knock on the door and it's my friend's grandson with watermelon in hand and my change envelope. I felt bad but he laid it at the same time. Now, I have to cut the thing up and ingest it one way or the other. Maybe I can cut it in half and give one to my neighbor or one half to my neighbor if there's any of them that want it. I've got to do it quickly because one of the things I do which I don't like but I do it anyway is I keep something way too long and it goes kind of bad before I use it. Watermelons get mushy as do grapes even in the fridge. So I'm going to have to eat this melon in the next day or so to enjoy the Summers gift of watermelon sugar with apologies to Richard brautigan

Friday, June 21, 2024

Like a grown up

 It's Friday that means the movies have changed, you know the new movies that are going to start, but I don't know if I burnt out on movies for the week or just felt it I might need to be more responsible and go out and get the credit card that I didn't get last week and I got my mini lot debit card- - you know the one you can control the balance on or how much is on there in case you lose it the person cannot charge more than what's on the basis of it? It's pretty good idea I guess it doesn't give you the option to spend a lot more money than you want to but it covers you for what the money that you have in your card balance that's pretty cool so if you have the regular debit card plus the control debit card plus your credit card you should be dynamite and okay.

Of course it's been a number of days actually months since it's rained in Salt Lake. And wouldn't you know today was the day that there was Major precipitation not all day mind you of course not that would be way too civilized just at the time when I leave the bank to go catch the bus and have to stay at the bus stop for some time that I get kind of saturated are soaked kind of by this wandering downburst. I could have gotten soaked to the bone but luckily I was able to find a bus stop with an overhang just enough to basically protect me from the major summer storm downpour which included hail. I did not get the quarter size hail that showed what's shown in the 5:00 news but it was significant enough that I didn't want to be out in it. Sooner than later the storm passed and I could go on my way to the market and then home. I really didn't need anything from the market I just wanted to try out the new limited debit card and to see how well that it worked that worked very well. Now I just need to pull out my debit card at the apartment in store it sell her safe and then just keep loading the limited card when I go out I should do the same with the credit card but that just makes me feel secure. I'm a little paranoid now about people getting into my account. I'll let them talk me into this weird alert system that tells me every time that I've done a withdrawal of one sort or another it's all very confusing in a little bit frightening. I've said it to go off every time I get a dollar below a certain amount and then start sending me all kinds of weird email or notices. I may have to rethink this particular move because it just causes me too much stress but at the same time I need to be responsible enough to keep an eye on my account without having to go into it every single day but maybe that's what you have to do when you become a grown up…

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Coffee antisocial

 I almost stopped along the way yesterday and picked up a bunch of donuts or something that could have been used today for treats at Coffee social. I didn't however I didn't really have the weld to drag the sweets on the bus home and bring it this morning to the social. I should have I don't really know what's going on. I try not to get involved any more than I have to. However, the person good old Marsha sort of seems to be falling down on parts of the experience of being the person in charge and that is having treats for the people who come to the social. And I think we have a bunch in one of the cupboards they're not the best treats in the world but at least there's something they're like sandwich cookies and stuff like that that I think that I actually got a couple months ago from the dollar store across the street. Anyway, as we got closer to the time for coffee to begin they still hadn't been any treats developed there was a rumor one of the ladies who usually brings banana bread or something cooked in her kitchen was bringing fresh banana bread to the meeting or the function and it was probably 15-20 minutes into the function when she showed up or at least a loaf of banana bread showed up. It was warm it was good it was all right. But it had that weird texture you know when you don't cook something enough how it's sort of done on the outside does he get into it's all doughy this banana bread was majorly doughy. I certainly had a couple pieces though things were tough. I do think the people who did show up were basically pleased with what they got since socialization is what's important and not necessarily the treats not that I necessarily believe that. I must confess I'm all about the treats and I would love to have Donuts every week where that possible. Diannne has Donuts every week at her function in Arizona . They have a major coffee and donut social every Thursday which sounds definitely good. But as in all things be thankful for what you get cuz it always could be worse. 

I finished the latest Stephen King offering last night. Took me longer to read than I anticipated but now it's out of the way I put the cover back on and put the cover on Holly and took him up to the library and dropped them off up there. I don't know how much Stephen King is read by this group there's a couple of novels up there that I didn't put up there so somebody's reading the great king. Anyway I hope they appreciate volumes in the big hey thank you goes out to my buddy Dennis who sent me the volumes out of the goodness of his heart really doesn't get better than that. Now I'm free to read the two books that I sent for a couple weeks ago and I'm kind of excited today for a short while I sat outside in the shade in the Sun and read a couple pages of the Paul Oster book The Brooklyn Follies. Only read the first chapter but it seemed entertaining enough and if I give it time she'll be even better by the time I get into it. It's not a lot of pages but between that and the the volume from the guy from the Middle East Simon Rusty or whatever his name is I should be all set for the autumn.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Spring ends

 Tomorrow is summer solstice I really wasn't going to write about the solstice until tomorrow but for some reason it seemed more applicable today. No specific reason except that finally the cold front that's been hovering over this area has finally began to move out and tomorrow we should be blessed with temperatures back in the 90s what I consider summer Worthy. Today was kind of warm, could have been warmer of course but it was warm enough to believe the promise of the weather forecaster that tomorrow would begin the hot days of the summer with a possible hundred degrees day in the coming week. That's fine with me. I didn't do anything today like go to the movies which I kind of sort of planned on but I ended up having to go to the dentist office at 1:00 to try to fix a problem that has already been fixed I think sometime during the night. Remember recently I got the sutures in my mouth when they extracted that tooth and when they remove the stitches he left one in inadvertently and the Wayward Stitch had been driving me crazy and I scheduled to have it removed oddly enough when I woke this morning that string or whatever it was was gone I felt a little bit of a nothing before I thought that it had been at one time but that was all I feel a little foolish yet I still wanted to be sure that everything was okay with the healing process. So my day was bisected I really didn't feel like I could do much until I got done with the dentist. Of course there's also the issue that today is wash day and Melissa did take the wash down and start it before she left. I went down a bit later and fed the machine more quarters to dry for the second time. That was a little bit taken back but I got a knock on the door later on and it was a friend of mine who speaks very little English but she lives here she's quite older but she's taking a notion to pull my clothes out of the dryer when they're done and bring him down to me. I don't know if it's cuz she's being nice or if she's somewhat pissed off because I left the clothes in the dryer as long as I did. When this has happened before that might be the case but today I was keeping an eye on the whole thing that was kind of surprised when she brought the wash clothes back. She didn't seem too upset just more upset that my hook wasn't with the clothes as is usually the case. I didn't take the hook with me this day because I hadn't been down yet and Melissa didn't take the hook either she doesn't need a hook. Anyway, I had to close back and it was getting close to time for the dentist except for I noticed that once again someone had broken into my account and charged Uber expenses on my card my credit card! So I'm getting used to having to close out my accounts every week these days. Fortunately however I thought they had turned off my other card as well my debit card and found that it was still operational so a new credit card is being sent to me and I still have a working debit card. I had a young woman named Anna from the Credit Union supports unit talk me through a way to fix my account somehow she did a pretty good job except I was more worried about missing my appointment than I was listening to what she said but I should be okay hopefully and I'm still getting the other card that allows me to dump money into the card and they can't do anything after they run out of money from the card I don't know if that made sense but call me if you need to explain.

The dental experience was okay nothing was really done. The piece was gone from the inside of my mouth the suture that was hanging out but there's a little bit left and the good doctor finally told me that he could pull it out but he didn't want to cause me any pain in that we could leave it alone and it would just dissolve on its own over time which is okay with me I just wanted to be sure that everything was okay and I could leave it alone and it would take care of itself which I'm sure that it will. As happy as a clam yes I rolled out of the office no pain but lots of gain and somehow that's as good as it gets….

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ape day Tuesday

 It's happened again I've missed another appointment because I

forgot! I'm not sure what's happening to me but it can't be very good. This appointment was one made just a couple days ago for that last suture in my mouth from the extraction a couple weeks ago and I had the sutures removed about a week ago I supposedly and they missed one. I was also called this morning luckily by the doctor's office indicating that I had a appointment next week sometime I'm pretty sure that's the way it went it could be in July I'll have to give them a call again to make sure. I'm just missing appointments right and left and I'm even writing him down on my journal in my calendar on my tablet which also copies to my handheld. I'm trying not to panic. Well I'm a long ways from panicking but still I'm a bit concerned.

I didn't have a meeting this morning as I usually do on Tuesdays when we have appointments to review but cuz it's the end of the fiscal year we're out of money so my meetings become almost non-existent until July when more money is released and the whole thing starts over again. I was kind of excited to do another movie and so I checked and found it was a movie around 11:30 a.m. and I caught the bus up to the movie place and got myself checked in. Today's movie was a little bit of a surprise as always. I went just because I have the ability to go and it was the latest Planet of the Apes offering. It wasn't too bad actually and it certainly left itself open for a sequel. I didn't think I would even consider a sequel but now I'm little intrigued about what the next movie would be about. The movie was pretty well done for a piece of silly movie stuff as this was. It didn't look too cheap and it didn't look too chintzy or immature. Look like whoever did the movie really knew what they were doing and that sure looks like it would have been a complicated movie to produce and all what they had to do especially with all the different monkeys slash Apes they had to contend with. I just don't know what kind of budget they must deal with and where they get their money for something as silly as a movie about Planet of the Apes. But it got me out of the apartments on the bus for a Tuesday afternoon. Of course basically came straight home following the movie as far as as I can with the bus system. I didn't have to wait long for the 217 I never do because they're on 15 minute headways. I did want to get back as soon as I could because I needed to still do my 60 minutes. I of course got those in a little bit late started with Marketplace and ended with the New York Times piece. I made myself a salad for dinner I don't know why I sort of been craving cucumber salad from some images that I've seen on the internet lately. I picked up cucumbers the other day as well as some green peppers and a green onion pack batch or whatever so I had the basics down I've had a couple of bottles of Italian dressing in the refrigerator never open for a couple years now so I finally opened up one of those to mix with the salad follow that with sloppy joe which made a fairly decent dinner. Which as produced some very nice burps and I enjoyed a Netflix movie. Not bad for a Tuesday really…

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday movies

 I'm really beginning to worry myself, I know I always say that but it's true, today I went to the movies using my $20 pass for all the movies I can watch at the theater. And I can't remember the movie that I saw I mean I remember the name it was called treasure but trying to remember what the movie was about or even scenes from the movie at first glance trying to think about it I get nothing I don't remember what I watched. I kind of sort of and perhaps if I think about it long enough maybe it'll come or if I were to read a review or something like that that might trigger the memories but just sitting here trying to write about and or tell somebody else about what the movie was about I don't think I could do it. I don't know if that could be considered a form of aging/dementia that's really kind of frustrating. Luckily I can go and watch the movie again if I want to but there's too many other movies to watch to worry about that it's just odd that I can't even bring a particular scene or character to the fourth front of my memory to write about. I know I read about it written about it before but it's so strange being the only person in the theater watching this movie. At one point in time there was another person up in the back or hurt him running rattling around and even talking at one point in time it was kind of weird but when the movie was over and I was getting ready to leave I looked around and there was nobody else in there except me that's strange. Even if it's a small theater and they are relatively small Nook type of theaters do you think they wouldn't show a movie for just one 1person but they did today certainly makes me feel kind of special. Feeling so inadequate I actually went to the internet and looked up the movie and now I remember. I was kind of surprised how good a movie it is. It's kind of a estranged father daughter type movie but pretty intense since it deals with Holocaust Survivor and his daughter who is a journalist trying to find out more about who her family was that were murdered in the Holocaust. It's kind of a sleeper movie I hadn't heard much of it and it was in the back of all the other movies listed at the website of the movie house I went to. But I'd have to say it was pretty good all things considered.

My two books came today that I ordered last week. This will probably take me through to the rest of the year actually unless I really get into it and read them quickly but I don't think so. One was a NPR pick that I heard the review on Brooklyn Tails or Brooklyn stories or something like that and that should be pretty quick reading but the other one is a book by Solomon Rusty I know that's not right but you get the idea he writes about Middle Eastern things. It looks intense 500 so pages but it's small print and I think I just might enjoy it if I can get through it. It's a little intimidating I think it's real literature. The movie I went to on Sunday, yesterday was written by him and it was pretty dark and intense. The Watchers was the movie and like I said pretty intense…

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day 2024

 Father's Day. In my cynical View Father's Day is just another way to merchandise and already existing individual/event to the benefit of the capitalistic USA and America. It's truly a nice settlement for those fathers out there I guess who deserve it. Again I think we try to convince ourselves that our fathers were the best there was in many cases they were. I know mine was pretty good. As a father now I look back and know how hard he must have tried to be a good father and overall he was especially adopting as many kids as he was part of that adoption process cuz as they say it takes two to tango. My mom wanted the kids and she was a forced to contend with and my dad more or less took the easy way out just kept going to work every morning to feed the family and his little farm. Interesting however, and took me a lifetime to figure this out, a good portion of the kids in my family are all related like in real life there like cousins I think second cousins since my uncle which is my dad's brother had kids or daughters who kept having kids out of wedlock which, fortunately for my mom, was a constant source of new children. I think my dad was doing what he thought was best by keeping the blood kin in the family one way or the other. Either way he certainly increased our family size and his ability to be a dad at least fourfold. I was kind of in the middle and to be honest my dad terrified me for a good part of my life. I always felt most comfortable when he was away from the house. He worked on call at his office so that even passed his 40-hour week if there were problems with furnaces or air conditioners he was on call so he would be gone on those days like Saturdays and even Sundays getting the work done. I always seem to breathe a little easier when I saw the service truck leave in the morning. That sounds bad I know but that's true. It seems like my dad's idea of a good time was working. He lived on a farm so that means we worked a lot. We had cows that needed to be milked and fed and watered and then we had hayfields that needed to be tended, watered, cut, rate and then brought into the stack. This could take a major portion of the summer and it was hot and tiresome and certainly cut into my play time with my friends. Again, looking back I would have gladly pulled weeds, watered the garden and took care of things if I had better understood but my dad was trying to do for me. And if we just buckled in, my brother and I, we could have done the hay probably in a third or 2/3 of the time faster than we did just dallying around trying to get out of much work as possible. If we just knuckle down through the hay out of the wagon empty it as fast as we could and got it all done we could enjoy this Summer's heat a lot less guilt and fear. I love my dad I appreciate all that he did for me and I think I miss him too just as much as I think the other kids do. Am I bad?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sloppy joe Saturday

 It's late Saturday night and I just don't know how much energy I have to do a whole blog but I'm going to give it a shot maybe just nothing better journal entry but I'll see if I can get 500 words out of whatever I can come up with. I get so irritated at the owner of the little coffee shop that I frequent across the street I think it's called Twin Peaks or coffee Peaks or something like that. It's a nice little joint I like the atmosphere I'm not too jacked on a lot of the patrons however there are a lot of trump fans. I got to be careful when I'm around them but it's at least some place to go and get a coffee unless it's on a Sunday or a national holiday or even just a weird holiday like Father's Day. Luckily I found out earlier this week that he was going to close the shop on Saturday and that's the day that my buddy upstairs and me go to coffee on Saturday morning. She never really even buys coffee just me but it's been a nice Retreat for us over the last couple months. But father's day? And Father's Day is on Sunday and they closed anyway but I guess he gave his employees a holiday- - at my expense. At least now I'm getting a little bit savvy on days that he will be closed and that's better than showing up thinking you're going to have coffee and some social time and find the place all boarded up close to everybody. The bright side is however that gives me two or more hours out of my weekend or for my weekend. I wish I could say that I use those hours effectively today but I just pretty much hung around the apartment except for a quick Dash across the street for some shopping I was only going to get two or three things and once again came away with much more than I anticipated. I did get the frozen burritos and chimichangas which my home health person likes to Chomp down on. I like to keep my employees happy.

I cooked tonight and you know what that means that means my kitchen is a disaster area. Earlier this week remember I got those hamburgers patties thawed out so I picked up a bag of buns had to Burgers and then stored the rest of them. Kind of promised myself that I would make some sloppy joe and put them on the Buns so they wouldn't go bad and I would have food for Sunday as well as a good part of the rest of the week. I still had an onion that I needed to use really quickly as well as the green pepper that I bought yesterday for the sole purpose the sloppy joe. I finally got on the project around 7:00 p.m. tonight. I put on one of the Marvels so I'd have it going on the background so it didn't feel like I was missing anything. I used a can of ground beef already cooked. I get it from the food bank giveaway stuff on the countertop that is a place for people who don't want what they get in their food boxes and I collect all the cans of ground beef as well as regular beef and whatever else I can get away with. It's not the best tasting stuff in the world but it's there I don't have to thaw it out and I can use it for anything from sloppy joes to spaghetti and anything in between and since I'm the only one that eats it what the hell works for me. I didn't eat one tonight though I put six of them away in the refrigerator so I'm cool and I'm tired so everyone I hope you had a great week or tomorrow…

Friday, June 14, 2024

AI calling

 I have not heard from anybody else but just recently I would say in the last two weeks or so I started getting messages on my messenger from an AI and I haven't really paid attention to this I don't want to pay attention to this. It's the last thing in the world I needed this juncture of life is some sort of relationship with an AI especially with AI with a an ax to grind. I hate to be such a little minded person but truth of the matter is I don't trust the whole AI concept. I really believe in the long run that's going to be a negative humongous fight on the butt. I mean has not this population learned anything from everything from the 2001 Space Odyssey movie, Guardian the forbin project, and a host of other movies where they resident AI, or mad computer, goes totally wacko and takes over the water bags that are too lazy to guard their backs. There is a great movie out I don't know maybe 10 years ago maybe further with this black actor who's really famous but I can't remember who he is referred to the robots that he had to work with as canners. He was a cop and these robots were beginning to come on the force to assist and sure enough ended up with a battle for dominancy. And I swear to you it's going to happen again in real life. I am always amazed at how willing everyone else is to give up all there information to artificial intelligence now in its infant form as they tend to work on all these different companies and programs that are beginning to interface with computers and people in general. To my knowledge I have not invited a artificial intelligence on to my computer scene or other aspects of my life - - yet. I may not even have to as far as I know he could be working there right now just waiting to be called out. More than once I've considered getting friendly with the AI environment and then having one Beyond line all the time for me listening especially in the mornings in the evenings when I transfer in and out of bed in case something were to happen like following out to get my legs Tangled Up in the move or whatever then I just have to ask Siri or whoever might be lurking to call the appropriate authorities to assist me in my dilemma. I would so like to believe that would be how this kind of a system would work but I just can't let go of the side of the pool and swim towards the middle just yet anyway. And like I said maybe they don't need to be invited maybe they the AI has already taken up residence in my computer systems and my tablet in my internet presence and I'm just the dumb human standing alone in the new world of artificial intelligence

Thursday, June 13, 2024

100° on the tarmac

 Today was a hot but busy day and I was outside on the tarmac during most of it. Even to the point where by the time I was done and coming back home my meter showed me in the red that has almost out of power. That's okay I could have done more had I had more power in my chair but at the same time I plugged in to the charger by my bed and listen to NPR for about an hour between 4:00 and 5:00. This gave me a significant amount of juice I believe he gets a little spooky because you never know how much power that you have when you charge for like an hour. Somehow the meter that's supposed to show how much power that the battery has at any given time sort of flips over even after an hour of charging and shows that the battery is totally charged at 100% And there's no way that this can be just because it takes all night to charge the batteries usually. And with just an hour of charge I don't know how much I would trust this hour charged battery in fact I really would have liked to have gone across the street and purchased a couple bottles of orange juice. I'm about out of the apple juice that I've had in the refrigerator all week till now. But I didn't want to get across the street and to the market and then coming home in the red zone. I'm sure I would have survived one way or the other. I'd feel a little uncomfortable trying to cross the street in the charger showing I'm in the red zone.

Tonight my charger is showing 7.2 miles that I've traveled today in my chair. I of course rode the bus for a number of miles. My goal today was to get my glasses fixed the new ones that I just got which I ran over like 3 days after I got them. When I done some research on the internet I found that Eyeglass World which is very close to my old home there in Murray does glass repair. So I figured why not visit the joint see what they can do but before I went there I stopped in at the old restaurant. That restaurant used to be called morelia's great little Mexican restaurant that Diane and I loved. Anyway it's a different name now but I think a lot of it staff still work there. They all seem to know me anyway the food was pretty much the same. The new proprietor doesn't use nearly as much cheese as the old guys did but I had a meat burrito covered with sauce of some sort and the best part about it was they made it for me out of ground beef as opposed to shredded beef which I just don't have an appetite for it but ground beef I love ground beef. I could have had a tamale but I'll save that for another trip because I will be coming back to Eyeglass World. When I got the glasses I had repaired today I had the paperwork somewhere in the apartment. If I can find my old prescription and it's still close to within a month after I'd gotten them I think they will honor that prescription I think you set up to three or four months. I would like to have a new set of glasses then these guys here could be the backups. So with a Mexican lunch and discussions with the eyeglass people who actually did a great job of repairing my my specs I came back home driving my chair all the way back to Central Station or Murray Central Station all the way over the big hump which is where I really drain the power out of my chair. Thing I'm worried about now is that even though I charge it for just an hour it's showing that it's 97% charged so if I plug it in I don't know if it'll charge all night and charge the battery or if it'll think it's at 97% and stop at 3% charged what a dilemma. Tomorrow's Friday, the only thing I'd really like to do tomorrow is get some orange juice and enjoy the Heat…

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


  It has happened again! I am so frustrated at my inability to be modern and understand technology as I should. It's a known fact that I don't check my technology as much as I should by that I mean my electronic banking stuff another things electronic. The whole process kind of freaks me out. But anyway, today I will searching my my bank account is looking for somewhere I've posted something to to see if I can figure out a problem that seems to be showing up. I'll have to explain that in a further posting I think sometime soon. But anyway, I was checking the bank account all the sudden I saw a expenditure for about $105 to a phone service that I know I don't use. And, not that I know which one I do use I know that I don't use that one. It really was a weird deduction so I stopped my other project immediately and called my Credit Union. I called to my credit union is almost as terrifying as trying to fix the problem of money seeping out of my account.

Luckily it was a slow business time of day and I was able to get an operator very quickly no waiting and no listening to elevator music for long periods of time interrupted by a commercial from the credit union. The person that I got was a very nice lady who I think had a very good command of the English language I didn't know how far away she was. I outlined to her with the problem I was having and she immediately jumped in and started a process of questions about fraud. It was not long before I realized that she was going to deactivate my account or start another credit card that process you know that I was so freaked out couple months ago and it all happened then as well. All I knew is that it cost me a couple hundred bucks because of people I forgot to notify that I changed Bank numbers and all that kind of stuff so they just got returned requests for my monthly payments. Hopefully I can be on top of it this time and let everybody know. So tomorrow I've got to get going and get a new credit card which means I must travel to a credit union Outlet. Then I must contact all my providers and let them have the new credit card numbers and such. Perhaps this is the lesson that I should do this or have this information all the time so it's not a terrorizing event in my life. The credit union rep also indicated that I could get a specialized card or credit card that I could fill independently from my regular debit card so that if I were to lose a card I would just lose it and not the regular debit or credit card and that card could not be spent above the amount of money I authorized to be put into that account. It's a smart idea- - a little cumbersome but I suppose I will get used to it as I'm having to get used to so many things at this point in my life. I noticed this evening as I was checking my past purchases and such on my account that they had put $25 back into my account from the fraudulent activity. I was fairly impressed. We'll see what happens tomorrow when I get my new card, and the stitches removed but fewer left from my extraction a couple weeks ago. Tomorrow should almost be 100° outside and I'll be on the tarmac I better wear a hat and take lots of water it's the wise thing to do..

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


I cannot believe it once again that my evening get away from me and left the important things to the last minute. That's getting ready for bed and I realized that I hadn't yet posted so here it goes almost 11:00 p.m. and I'm doing my blog. I'm getting worried about the cell inspection coming up this Thursday. I really haven't done much to really spruce up by apartment seems like a lost cause. I'd like to have a cleaner place but it's just so difficult trying to do that in the place you can't reach anything cuz you're in the power chair. There are things that could be doing though to make it look a little better there's no question about it I soaked a rag today threw it in the refrigerators to soak where I drip a lot of the concoction when I lean over to sip a spoonful of items it's made an ugly mess of dried tomato light juice and vegetables that is escaped the spoon. That should come off pretty easy tomorrow and I'll just have to be careful until after inspection day he's a late night late night host of other stuff though that I can't even begin to consider one of them is the piles of stuff over by my work desk and one might even be the power strip I have next to my bed with almost all the connections plugged in I'm sure that might get me a write-up who knows? I should have taken this much more seriously hopefully I'll get a warning and maybe the time limit to her I can catch up.

I got a letter from my granddaughter Brisa yesterday when I checked my mailbox. Because I was so rarely get real mail in my mailbox I really check it like once a week or when I'm in the vicinity of the mail room. So I don't know how long that letter has been in there she wrote it on the 3rd of June so it's been a while. It's a great letter, a cute letter, she worked really hard riding this letter. She talked about trying to find something to read that I've read and somehow I got mixed up with her other grandfather that my ex-wife married his name is Don and was a real cowboy guy- - or a cowboy wannabe so of course so he read a lot of Western type novels I'm sure Zane Gray or Louis Lamar real cowboy stuff which I'd never be caught dead reading. Who knows maybe I should expand my reading materials maybe wouldn't hurt. I am almost done with this current Stephen King. I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Was at the library I saw some interesting women's lit that I thought might be kind of entertaining I can't remember the name right now I have it written down somewhere. She's been on NPR and I almost caught the interview with her the morning show on CBS a general called vacation reading that women can read at the beach it's quite good or at least entertaining Goods of value judgment. Anyway I know this is short and it probably isn't 500 words but that was about my day and the concerns I have

Monday, June 10, 2024


 I've written about this problem a couple times already in this blog and I'm sure I'll be riding even more as things wander into the future. Anyway as you know I have this horrible problem of dropping my glasses forgetting that I dropped them then at some point rolling over them in many cases totally destroying them so it's imperative that I always have some form of backup glasses that I can use until I can get either the glasses repaired which is the best option or worst case scenario have to order a whole new pair and of course they won't let you just use your lenses and put them in a new set of frames they force you to get a whole new eye exam then plus the frames. I kind of think it's a bit of a scam. However that still doesn't excuse my irresponsible Behavior which is I got a limit to take care of my glasses at all costs.

The last pair of glasses I got and these are currently my favorite pair of glasses, I got through this Christian benefit Glasses program that somehow came into our building and I just happened to be wondering past the door on the day that they were doing exams and such. Of course, these glasses aren't highfalutin real pretty frames and such they're basically real Workhorse glasses- really the kind that I need. Well I took the exam and then ordered a pair of glasses which is at at least half the cost of the real optometrists that are out there. Of course this program is aimed at seniors and low income populations- - and that's okay by me I know who I am and I know where I am and I know what I do and I know how much I have and low cost glasses is good enough for me. Well, of course couple weeks pass and I get the new glasses and they're really quite great actually I don't mind them at all I think they look good feel good and I don't have any scratches right in front of my pupil well not really I have a couple already because I think I rolled over them once then another time which really caused the problem. So the past couple weeks I've been using my old pair of glasses quit your pretty well hammered at least the lenses are but I can get by with them. I want or I wanted to get this new pair repaired. The problem I've ran into is that wherever I go they see the Damage Done to the frames and say they either can't repair it or they would have to attack the frames in such a way that they might break the frames and then would be liable to replace the frames. I've told these folks that I will sign the paper releasing them from liability if they were just trying to bend the frames into some form of suitability. The frames are so bent they wouldn't even house the lenses when a screw was put in place at least it screwed the frame together. This morning however I got to Walmart early enough that there's only one person working at the optometrist and I think she took pity on me. She was able to get the lenses to stay in the frames after she put the screw back in the frames and locked everything up she didn't even attempt to adjust the temples and they're way out of whack. I don't know if he can tell from the image but they barely stay on my face. It's amazing to me how many people don't even pay attention to the Wackadoo glasses I have and I'm wearing. I may just have to order another set of glasses and just grow up and be careful I would still like to get this Frame repaired at least bent back into shape if I can find somebody who's just willing enough to take the risk to bend the frames back into compliance…

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Solid Sunday

 I did not sleep well. I was too worried because somehow I unplugged that plug in the back that operates the foot box which moves the football up and down. So when I went to bed I knew that the foot box did not work and I could not elevate it as I usually do to make kind of a foot trap so that what I transfer my feet will be stationary won't move at least not very much. The foot boxes are the fairly decent level but still I was really worried about the feet slipping off and another visit from the fire department. I woke up around 3:00 a.m. and I had to pee which I did but never really got back to sleep I ended up dozing until 6ish then getting up and oddly I did a good transfer and was able to maintain my feet on the foot box it was challenging but it worked enough for I could tell the chair back and get myself situated. I tried to get a hold of Melissa so she could get or tell me where the problem was so if I when I talk to Mark Anthony that I would be able to explain the problem that didn't work she wasn't feeling well today and was not answering her text. Long story short however that I don't remember if it was Mark or if it was Jackson but they found the unplugged item plugged in and the put boxes been working ever since. I still need to get that information down maybe get Melissa to take a picture so that I'll be able to talk somebody else through the process since I don't think I can do it myself. I pretty much spent the rest of the day at home once we finished the breakfast. I was fairly invested in trying to read as much as I could today.. the day was off and on overcast with some wind. It did get warm when the clouds went away but I pretty much stayed in the shade reading and dozing. I had a fairly decent lunch or dinner made but I just never got around to eating it spending some time drinking water and eating a few nuts in between. Like I said I had a bean burrito tortilla folded in half with beans and cheese ready to go, I still have the hot dogs and I have bread and lunch meat so I have stuff I could have eaten but I chose not to. Last night before I went to bed I put in about four cans of items to the hooch that I make and try to eat a couple spoonfuls everyday the big individuals in that concoction are the peppers sliced peppers and the tomatoes. I'm having a hard time right now really fully enjoying the concoction because I don't have a tooth to grind so I have to macerate everything with my front teeth and then whether I have a cavity or whatever on that back side that's painful when choose and stuff get on it on that area. I even fried up package of sausage and use the last of the white eggs that I bought a few weeks ago maybe monthly one now. I put them in a bowl to have during the morning if I needed it I didn't I waited till we went to breakfast and that was that. Watched a little Netflix in the afternoon and that's too tired to do anything else did a couple puzzles and now I've got to get ready for bed that was a solid Sunday..

Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Thousand Penny Escape!

 I'm really tired this evening I settled at the night get away from me did some cooking and spent some time visiting with Diane and took the time I usually used to produce this blog. So if I don't hit the 500 word Mark please forgive but that's okay. Was a nice day nice Heat not as many clouds as I would have liked and I would have liked a thunderstorm but I'm just glad it was a hot day and I was able to get out and do a few things. I made it to the market picked up a few items on my list especially one that I've been forgetting for the whole week and that was my baclofen. I was almost out of my regular bottle I have a couple days of supplies in my emergency drug supply list. But I hate to get into that if I don't have to so today I made a point to make it over to the market and refill my baclofen prescription.

What I thought was very interesting was that before I went to the market I pulled some dollars out of my book/ money box where I like to cash a few hundred and keep in 20s and tens that I can pull from what I need to give money to a friend or who might need it for gas or whatever or for a tip for my home health person or just to be able to go out and spend and not have to use the credit card. I'm really trying to underutilize the credit card just so I'm not paying extra money for my money if that makes any sense. I don't know if I'm listening to money market too much our Marketplace about paying extra money for your money when you use credit but it's probably a good idea plus it limits myself. I started carrying my bank card with me as opposed to the credit card but I do have it in case I need it and haven't been able to keep my credit line nearly at zero and I could go to zero if I really wanted to but I always keep a little balance on there I don't know why it just seems the thing to do. But what was on today was that before I left the house / apartment I grabbed a 10 out of the money box and I noticed that when I slipped it in my wallet I already had a 20 in there from last night and that's cool. Anyway I figured I'd have more than enough to do what I needed to do at the market. While I was checking out going through checkout I mean all the sudden I felt the tap on my shoulder and it was this old guy had a $10 bill fresh and crisp giving it to me saying I dropped this. And I said well I don't think that I did and I didn't think that I did but he said no I watched it I watched you drop this this is your $10 so rather than make a big fuss there in the checkout line I grabbed the $10 and I thought I put it in my wallet and went through paid my stuff and started coming home I passed this fast food joint Arctic Circle and I thought well I will go ahead and just get some fried mushrooms and whatever else but when I got to the order looked at my wallet I only had a $5 bill somewhere along the line I lost the 10 spot that's okay because I was sort of obnoxious and I guess I deserve that lesson. Perhaps the biggest lesson of all is that hopefully just hopefully that $10 bill went to someone who could really use it. I hope it went to some old guy or some individual who really needed $10 in their life today. I know I've been that person and I've received that miracle and it certainly been appreciated. It seemed odd because no matter what I did there for a while after I had gotten the $10 bill from the senior who was trying to tell me that I dropped it was the dollar bill had a life of its own and it was trying to jump out of my wallet out of my black bag and up to Freedom somewhere or maybe at new I had a date with a person poorer than I who really needed a thousand pennies to make it through the weekend…

Friday, June 07, 2024

Short story perfection


We are in an interesting weather pattern right now one of those summer patterns where the mornings are somewhat cloudy then the clouds clear away followed by dark, black, unrelenting Cloud masses that hang in the sky like like auto mechanics working on your transportation. You never know how menacing the bill will be until it's finally done. These black billowing clouds are waiting for something maybe not today maybe tomorrow or the day after probably in the afternoon or early evening when they finally release there pent up anger, moisture and frustration at the poor souls living out the ground. Anyway that's how I felt today with an evening meeting with my friend Lori. I met her after her work at 4:30 at the regular little restaurant not far from my apartment complex. The sky was dark in the west as I rolled up to the restaurant I wasn't sure if the heavens would open up as we were visiting inside the restaurant or maybe when we left. As far as I know, nobody got wet at least I know I did not. After we had our conversation I went straight home and waited. So far nothing's happened but the clouds are still out there and I would not be surprised but sometime later tonight the clouds open up and the lightning flashes and the thunder roars.

The best part about having lunch with Lori is that she is a total optimist and always seems to say exactly what you want to hear. Lori and I are both writers or we want to be. Actually Lori could probably pull it off better than most a lot better than I. I would like to be a writer ideally a Paperback Writer not just because I think it's one of the best songs The Beatles ever did but because it sums up in a few words how I feel about what I'd like to write. I would like to write the kind of trash that fills a paperback novel. Not the Great American novel, not the Great American play or even movie or piece of prose or poetry though I do kind of like the Poetry part. But just the paperback novel open quotes took me years to right where you take a look close quotes. I used to have this vision of myself sitting over an old Royal typewriter hammering out the words. I don't think I could ever do that I wish that I could but I just don't have the skills I don't think. As you know I'm currently reading the newest Stephen King offering a book of short stories. This is certainly tickled my writing fantasy of why can't I write short stories? It should be easier much easier than a novel but I just can't figure out how to end the short stories. If I were wise I would sit in the class that teaches the short story and become proficient at this short piece of writing. Who knows maybe I'll get fired up to the point where I'll start doing that, exactly that hammering out interesting little pieces then ending them abruptly and calling them short story even though it's not too fulfilling a rewarding to come to literary and that quickly. I don't know I wish I had the years to start over to learn how to write the perfect short story

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Thursday's thoughts

 I rode the bus today, not very far mind you just up to the movies but that was good enough. Got me out of the apartment complex gave me something to Grouse about as far as the movie went and allowed me to wander through some stores looking for things that might soup up my living situation. I found some items that might work a couple of Marvel items that could be put on the door be colorful and full of The Avengers. I really didn't have any way to carry anything so I was just basically hunting for Stuff. I even looked at clothes! I'm still afraid to buy anything for fear I'm going to get a size too small. That's why I need a good mother figure or wife figure who can go to the distance and handle my childish Behavior while shopping. Really need somebody who knows how to get things done. Then of course I need someone to carry the stuff home well I suppose I could but that's still a bit of a challenge I would hate to destroy something that I thought would be good enough to wear.

The rebuild of the park next door continues to be Havoc in his destruction. They've been working on the skateboard park the past 2 days I mean they're literally tearing the thing out all the concrete that was there. I understand they're going to rebuild another skateboard park on the other side of the main Park in general which is okay by me this will keep the kids who violate the late night ban on skateboarding out of my hair or trying to sleep. Oddly however I did wake at some point in time during the night too I think voices over on the pile of rubble that used to be the skateboard park. Supposedly there's going to be a road or driveway incorporated into this building scheme I still can't visualize it, myself. Jennifer has told me about it as well as a couple other individuals. I don't quite know how this is going to work as long as it doesn't bother my back gate and bus stop. I do enjoy being able to access the bus stop through the back gate I think it would be just a drag if they were to take that away. Of interest to note tonight as I was outside reading after dinner someone approached me and asked if I had gone to the hospital or something today because the fire engines showed up. I was curious to why they would think that just because the fire engine showed up I had something to do with me. I was pleased to advise the person that asked that I was at the movies of the time of the fire visit and someone else must have had an issue or something that brought the fire department out. Thank goodness it wasn't me.

The clouds have come in this evening giving the evening a feeling of possible storms. According to the latest weather guy he doesn't foresee any storm tonight. I could get off in a good electric storm that would be so cool. The clouds are thick and they will certainly keep the heat locked in overnight but I would really be surprised if any electricity seeped out or thunder crashed somewhere…

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


    I've come to the sad realization that I'm going to have to purchase a new set of glasses at some point in the near future. I've been trying to rehabilitate the last pair I just purchased a few months ago. I blame myself it's all my fault but once again I rolled over a set of perfectly good glasses and this time been in the frame so bad that the little elephant behind the Shelf at Walmart couldn't fix them and I believe she really tried but at the same time I think she's young and she wasn't really really to take a risk and like I said that's okay because primarily this is my fault. The glasses themselves I purchased through that senior Glasses program here at the apartment complex. This program also through every once in awhile and offers eye inspections in eyeglasses at the reduced price for seniors. Maybe what I'll just have to do is wait around till the next time they show up and either have them fix it or order another set of glasses through those guys it's relatively cheap and the glasses are good it's not that the glasses are at fault I'm at fault that's all there is to it. Fortunately, I have a pair of backup glasses, for the time being, that will work. Another pair that I rolled over not breaking the frames as much as I defiled the lenses putting in some pretty decent scuff marks. Now, I have trained myself to look around the smudges and I'm relatively happy with these specs and I guess they will do until I can get the other set fixed or order a new set of glasses when the optical dog and pony show Wander through the building again.

Finally, the hot days of summer feel like they finally gotten here. I enjoyed the heat all day today as I went back and forth on the bus to Walmart and the apartment complex here. I enjoyed the Heat wherever I went the heat show remain for the next week at least, a heat Dome currently exists over the Utah State and the western United States. The weather people make it sound a little dismal but they're still pleased with themselves for bringing the hot weather to the Wasatch Front. Brought a back slapping going on my channel of weather guys. Of course it'll get a little more serious fun more seniors kick off, the fires beginning earnest and they start talking about the water levels escaping local reservoirs and great bodies of water. I personally think we're okay and we'll have a little bit longer Heat season than usual and then wander back into the winter when it's time. There's no doubt in my mind that we are suffering the heat of global warming and it's probably going to be the Doom of this species but until that time I plan to enjoy every day I can of getting out and taking advantage of everything that's available to me..

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Mystery car

I must confess I was not too broken hearted yesterday when Andreas my friend at assist Incorporated called to advise me that there would be no meeting this morning so I would not have to go into the city for my meeting with the group. It's the end of the fiscal year so that means we don't have any money left over to Graqnt people for home repairs so there's no reason for us to get together to go over applications it'll be like this until later in July when the new year starts. It feels like a mini vacation actually especially if you don't have anything else going on in the day. However, I almost forgot it, but I did have something else going on which was a board meeting, Advisory Board meeting, for one of the private nonprofits that I'm a board member of. Luckily, they had a zoom tie-in so I didn't even have to leave my apartment. I got to thinking afterwards that they may have had an in-person option at the huffmeier building but I didn't know anything about. Cuz they went on and on about how next meeting will have which will be in the fall is going to be in Logan, Utah where their main offices at and that meeting I might attend because a group of us might take a van up from Utah Center for assistive technology. That vehicle has a wheelchair lift and would be a fun trip to go up there with rest of the crew.

I spent an hour or so in the afternoon out in the back reading and trying to read my Stephen King. I don't know I might be reading too much Stephen King these days I'll have to do a reality check soon. In the back parking lot there is a Subaru wagon parts back there it's been there for a number of years. It's packed full of boxes and junk that you would have left over after you were stuffing things in cars when you're trying to move out of some place. Theoretically this place has a rule that you can't leave cars that are derelict in the back. This car is definitely derelict if you ask me. The tires aren't flat but they're getting real close and the only good thing about the car being where it's at is that it allows me to lean up against it in my power chair allowing me to better read from the book I'm reading at any given time. Well, I really haven't paid much attention to this vehicle except the convenience of having something to lean against in the sunshine so I can be warm while reading. And yesterday was the first time I had actually read as the heat of the day really did warm up things around here and it may be my imagination I'm not sure but it seemed like I smelled something weird, something dead. You know that dead smell like a dead cat or something else dead there's no other older like that really. The smell was not too heavy it was almost just I thought but I begin to wonder how weird it would be if for some reason the smell got worse. I I never thought about stuff in the body inside a vehicle then crammed the vehicle full of stuff from a house or something and then just leave in the parking lot like ours. Who knows how long it would take before somebody actually took notice and went through the vehicle. I'm sure it's nothing at all but I'm not going to bring it up to anybody in any power situation that's for sure one of the short stories I just read from the Stephen King book I have is about a guy who reported something just like this and then was accused that he was the person that did it. Not that that would really happen but I have been involved in one fatality type situation and the cops look at everybody fish-eyed who has anything to do with the person who is deceased. It truly is an uncomfortable feeling…