Friday, June 28, 2024

Chinese please- - no haircut today

I almost thought I didn't do anything today with the exception of going across the street to see if I can get my haircut but I think I waited too long when I got to the little Barbershop I was informed that my barber is out on vacation for a week! I was so disappointed I wanted to drown my pain and food of course. It was fairly close to lunch time in fact it was a little after lunch and I decided I'd go all the way down to this little Chinese joint not far from my apartment complex. In fact as far as I am concerned it's the only real Chinese joint left in the Salt Lake area at least that I've been able to find. This place is called “Mings”. A cute little Chinese restaurant throwback to yesteryear. I think one family runs the joint there's this little old lady that I've seen work there about the only one that I've ever seen work there. There's somebody in the back of course in the kitchen cuz you can always hear clang clang clang and food being prepared. I'm sure it's some older guy probably the husband in a T-shirt and a white cap sweating putting together the meals. I don't know how long this place has been there I haven't researched it that much but it's been a long while. I've always been kind of concerned about the place because I haven't seen a lot of business go in there and was quite frustrated during the pandemic because they were pretty well closed up. I think they survived because they did take out that didn't help me much. I was really glad when they opened back up for sit down eating dinners or lunches.

I got chow mein with Crispy noodles and fried rice, I actually wanted steamed rice but communication is not these guys best strong point. I of course made a terrible mess as I usually do when I eat especially in restaurants. Chinese food in particular since there's so much rice involved that goes everywhere it seems like. I think I really would have liked to have ordered egg foo young but every time I do I'm somewhat disappointed so I just settled with chow mein, beef chow mein. It was pretty good and the serving size was large enough that I ate half and saved the rest for dinner or for sometime a meal at home. Of course the noodles will be limp and everything will be cold but that's quite all right it's half the fun of Chinese food is that you always stay at home. That's quite impressed that while I was there a number of people came in to dine quite amazing to me. Finally when it was time to go I ordered the take-home container which nowadays is the ubiquitous styrofoam box that folds over and snapshot kind of. I made some efforts to trying to scrape my plate into the box but the little lady saw that I was in somewhat of a precarious situation with limited hand function and she helped me scrape the remaining chow mein and rice into the styrofoam box. I always am concerned when I have to take food home from this joint because of variably the gravy goes all over me but luckily what little gravy was with the chow mein it gotten absorbed by the rice and even though the box was somewhat crushed by the time it got home- - because it was all my lap and my backpack was on top of it- - everything seemed to be okay. I stashed it in the refrigerator in hopes of having a nice little meal this weekend.

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