Monday, June 24, 2024

Hot days and hot ways

This morning when I checked out the early morning news I was pleased to find out that the problem with the internet had been corrected over the night and I could get back on the television stations that I wanted as well as everything else that I use the internet for. Once Melissa had left I was pleased to see her magic on the watermelon. She didn't really do as I would have done. I would have found the long containers with the plastic lids that would seal over the watermelon but she did chunk it out and put it in three different containers none of the lids which fit tight so I don't know how long they'll stay but the watermelon is not the best one anyway. I don't know if it's too early or whatever maybe I should just hold off until I can get to Murray on a Saturday morning and get some good old Green River melons. They really do have a better flavor much sweeter. However, it's nice to have a cut up watermelon in the refrigerator. It's a lot of things in the refrigerator right now I'll have to be careful with what else that I get. I've got to Sloppy Joes left I don't know what condition they're in but they look okay perhaps a little dried out and I've got watermelon to last before the rest of the week I'm sure as well as I finally got into the block of pasteurized/ cheese that I've had for a couple of years that I'm sure was something I'd taken from the food bank. The food bank always sends stacks of this new cheese, stacked like firewood nobody really takes it to eat. I did just to take the cheese and that's not half bad. I cut up a good half of it and have chunks cut out but I keep in the plastic bag that can eat with watermelon, crackers or whatever you might use real cheese for. I do have a small thing of extra cheddar cheese which I'm so excited to get into eventually.

 I had a 140 appointment over at the hospital with Dr Patrick Hewitt the urologist. This was actually made a year ago it's kind of a follow-up appointment didn't last very long just a few minutes because I was nothing presenting with me except to follow up until I was doing fine so I was in and out once I got to the appointment phase. I had to wait a while once I got to the office. I checked in about a half an hour before my schedule appointment and they got me in about a half an hour early as well so that was great ended up having lunch at the hospital they're really great hot dog I would have been had I been able to get into the ketchup and mustard packages that's all they have- - they don't have mustard you can get into as well as catch up like in bottles that you just squeeze onto your food. I've got to start taking a pair of scissors with me when I go out to eat cuz so many things use these self-contained small containers of liquid especially ketchup and mustard and that's two things I really like when I eat out. We'll see how committed I am to this project. The apartment is cold this evening, literally chilly, from the good works of Marc Anthony last night when he came over to try to fix the TV. He set the thermostat so theoretically it'll come on and go off at certain times it's getting pretty late it hasn't gone off yet but the apartments are good chili at least 75°. Almost to the point of uncomfortable. But I think we'll work it out. I'm tired this evening I didn't get up that early I didn't think I think it's just accumulation of nights a little sleep but I'm doing okay. The doc thinks I'm doing okay I've got another appointment set up now for a year for today at 1:40 in the afternoon I hope I'm around..     

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