Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Busy busy

 It was a fairly productive day today. I did not Venture further than the market that was far enough actually. I didn't sleep that well through the night but again made it through the day better than I anticipated that I would. On top of that I was pleased that Melissa was earlier than usual almost at 8:00 that was quite a surprise I was basically ready for her to come when she walked through the door there are a few things I had set up yet in the bathroom but all in all I was okay. There are other issues but not worth going into here. I did get the clothes washed again thanks to the assistance of Melissa throwing the clothes in the washer and then into the dryer before she left leaving me only to fetch the clothes and bring them back to the apartment and fold them and hang them up that all works out.

The other day when I was at the hospital remember I think I brought it up in one of the texts so one of the blogs about the problems I have with individually sized tomato packages tomato sauce or ketchup packages and mustard packages and any of those individual packages that are small and difficult to get into. I noticed this was true for even people who were basically able-bodied I can tell that they were grieved at having to open up the small packages of ketchup for their eggs or whatever they were having the need for ketchup for. The syrians are so small it takes a ton of them to make enough tomato ketchup to make a difference either on a hamburger or develop a pile of tomatoes ketchup to dunk french fries in. I forget about this from time to time and then when I am faced with it again I figure why don't I do something about this and then I forget it immediately after that event well today is different. One of the things I swore I was going to do following the breakfast the other day at the doctor's appointment at IHC cafeteria was I going to start to carrying scissors or some kind of device for cutting open the packages. I got this idea from the scissors I ended up taking to bed with me and putting them on the bedside stand that I could use to open up the envelopes of slick I used to put on the catheters that I use to shove up my penis the pee during the night. It's a little awkward but seems to work okay. So after Melissa left and I had some breakfast and such I went over to the market and then to the dollar store. I found a package of kids scissors that are small and would ride very well inside my packet backpack or whatever it is. I don't know the quality of cut they'll do but I'll see you soon. I actually got a two scissor set I don't know if I want to carry both pair with me or just the one then have one backup. I know this is minor in the world of things but if it just saves a little of the consternation I get when trying to press enough mustard to make a hot dog enjoyable it will be worth it. I had thought about taking a little bottle of ketchup with me but I just don't have enough room in the little thing that I used to carry my stuff. I may have to go back to a large backpack at some point. All in all it was a very good day

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