Saturday, June 22, 2024

In watermelon sugar

I love watermelon and of course I love watermelon in the summer best of all. It's strange to be able to say that because in the old days that's the only time you got watermelon was in the summer and it was late summer cuz you had to wait for watermelons to come on. Now however with International farming or whatever just watermelons all year round kind of more expensive in the winter than the summer but still if one wanted to watermelon they could get it. I however wait till summer when you're supposed to have watermelon. Now the dedicated reader knows this and knows about the story of Ivan deskovski, my Dad's friend from work, who actually had a seller full of watermelons during the summer that somehow he kept almost ice cold. So I won't inflict that story on you again but this is the story of probably going Beyond friendship obligations or actually not friendship obligation but just apartment obligation.

Directly above me is a fellow named Steve, I think I've written about him before in the blog somewhere, he's in the apartment directly above me and he's a bit of a religious zealot but I like him just the same. I can only tolerate him a small amounts. If he would just lay off the Mormon Miracles and all that kind of shit. But anyway today I was out under the shade reading when I see Steven getting into his vehicle with a young man by his side- - turns out to be his grandson. When I inquired where they were headed they said Walmart, it's a Superstore with regular stuff as well as groceries. I don't know what got into me except I asked them if I gave them some money with the purchase a watermelon for me. I didn't need a watermelon not really. I mean I don't know how I'm going to eat a whole watermelon before it goes bad that's part of the problem. In one of the problems I do have is having difficulty carrying a whole watermelon home from wherever I purchase it whether it's over at Macy's or Walmart or whatever. I think the last watermelon I did purchase was from Walmart and I did get a home but it was quite a challenge so if somebody's actually in the vehicle and if they wouldn't mind purchasing it would be great. It kind of put them on the spot what are they going to say” no”. They really are a nice people and of course they said they would and of course I had remorse the second they took off thinking to myself who the hell was I? Demanding that they buy me a watermelon righteous or whatever? About an hour later I was sitting at my table doing a puzzle and I hear a knock on the door and it's my friend's grandson with watermelon in hand and my change envelope. I felt bad but he laid it at the same time. Now, I have to cut the thing up and ingest it one way or the other. Maybe I can cut it in half and give one to my neighbor or one half to my neighbor if there's any of them that want it. I've got to do it quickly because one of the things I do which I don't like but I do it anyway is I keep something way too long and it goes kind of bad before I use it. Watermelons get mushy as do grapes even in the fridge. So I'm going to have to eat this melon in the next day or so to enjoy the Summers gift of watermelon sugar with apologies to Richard brautigan

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