Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sun fun and weird dreams

 I seem to be having this reoccurring dream, it's not really a dream as much as it's a Feeling, I'm barely awake and I'm usually worried about how early it is and not how it's going to affect me the following morning as I try to do things. I seem to wander in and out of sleep during this period of time and it's usually around 4:00 a.m. and I just worry that everything's not going to work out but everything always does once I wake up and feeling leaves I go through the day and I'm not necessarily super tired though I do go through periods of tiredness. I make it through the day pretty much okay. I'm sure I'm not getting enough sleep but I'm doing okay now.

 Today I met with my internist and it was a follow-up so there was nothing wrong with me and the blood in my stools cleared up so I think I'm okay. We're going to watch it and see what happens, my dogs are resident, and so she's going to be gone the next time I show up so we start all over again. She asked if I was taking my black iron pills and I kind of lied and said I was, well I was till I tipped over the bottle and took me a while to pick him up but I did and I've never got back to taking them fairly regular again. Hopefully it won't be an issue the next time I get my blood drawn. I'm feeling pretty good I guess I should be going to these appointments more open-minded but I'm feeling pretty good and as long as we don't have to do anything stranger weird I'm okay. I'm a little guarded however just because I keep seeing all these people getting sick you know with cancer and everything all about my age and I don't seem to be getting any of those kind of symptoms or issues which is a blessing I understand but still something's going to have to happen sooner or later. I'm so thankful for every morning when I wake up but I can still move my arms and my legs to some degree- - oh yeah don't let me forget perhaps the most productive thing about the meeting with the doc today was that she was going to put in some more requests for physical Therapy type stuff- - so I can still move fairly good can get in and out of bed on my own dress myself enough to go to an appointment. Again interestingly I have the doc look at my big toes and afterthought and she said my blister looked okay it wasn't infected but I should probably keep it out of my shoe for a while that's good enough for me. I have an appointment for 3 months last of late September early October type stuff. That should take care of me till the first of the year hopefully. My goal today is to get one letter written. Yesterday I was able to get the envelopes printed so tomorrow I need to run over to the market get some $10 bills and some stamps so I can get the kids stuff mailed out by the end of the week. Granted, the days are hot but that's exactly what I like now hopefully tomorrow along with the heat this possible thunderstorms forecast. Right now that would be really great but I need to be careful what I wish for cuz could be the start of some weird weather phenomenon happening that's happening to the rest of the country- - doodle climate warming/ global warming we can get really scary really quickly..

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